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Norton Power Eraser 頓惡意程式清除工具
2010/10/05 00:10:55瀏覽732|回應0|推薦0

Norton Power Eraser 軟體本身免安裝具有中文介面,除清除能力強外,還能深度地進行電腦掃描,揪出電腦內惡意程式、不良程式、流氓程式,解救電腦資源被白白浪費的問題,終止惡意程式盜取你的個人資料。

軟體名稱:Norton Power Eraser
系統支援:Windows XP/2003/Vista/Win7
官方網站:諾頓 http://security.symantec.com/nbrt/npe.asp?lcid=3076

Which is the most powerful antivirus? Norton Power Eraser is the latest free product by Symantec, known as the most powerful anti virus software in the market. However, it is still in beta stage, therefore very unstable. Norton Power Eraser eliminates deeply embedded and difficult to remove crimeware that traditional virus scanning doesn’t always detect. If you have become the victim of crimeware that regular virus scans can’t detect, use the Norton Power Eraser to target and eliminate them.

When all other antivirus fails, Norton Power Eraser might save the day. It is still in beta stage, meaning to say there bound to be lots of false positive when it comes to detecting viruses. Because the Norton Power Eraser uses aggressive methods to detect these threats, there is a risk that it can select some legitimate programs for removal. As shown in the screenshot I captured below, even photoshop was labeled as a malware.

download 軟體下載:http://liveupdate.symantec.com/upgrade/NMR/TradChinese/NPE.exe

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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