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2009/12/14 12:33:57瀏覽1156|回應0|推薦0


妹妹背著洋娃娃 她哭了一直叫媽媽
媽媽不來沒辦法 忍者龜不想理她

走到花園也沒有用 連一個人影都沒有
她一直在走 一直走到腳趾頭都磨破

Don't cry baby there's nothing let you sick
But you really wanna see a doctor just call me
Your mama will be waiting on the corner six
it is only in your dream
Baby thst's only in your dream

妹妹不是鐵金剛 她苦著一張臉來看花
眼睛腫得像西瓜 樹上小鳥笑哈哈(啊哈哈哈)

走到花園也沒有用 連一個人影都沒有
轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網
她一直在走 一直走到腳趾頭都磨破

Don't cry baby there's nothing let you sick
But you really wanna see a doctor just call me
Your mama will be waiting on the corner six
it is only in your dream
Baby thst's only in your dream
Just don't fall asleep

Yeah~Don't cry baby there's nothing let you sick
But you really wanna see a doctor just call me
Your mama will be waiting on the corner six
That's only in your
only in your
only in your dream
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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