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Tathagata Dancing
2009/03/24 14:52:02瀏覽291|回應0|推薦3
Today I picked a flower
 In Avatamsaka Garden:
I held it in my hand
And saw the universe blossom!

From a dew drop on one petal
Cintamani gems reflect,
I lost myself counting,
Tathagata dancing
On all the petals wet!

I looked up to ponder
Upon this very flower;
I looked down to wonder:
How many of them are here?

The flowers told their tales:
We too, know not ourselves!
The petals said the same:
Tathagata dance, a game!

All that I could imagine,
All that I could create,
All that I could paint,
All that I could touch...
Weaving my life, a dream!
All that I could trace,
In grateful heart embrace,
A blade of grass, a tree,
A sprinkle of dust, a snowflake,
Tathagata's divine grace!

All the states within,
All the states without...
Ineffably encompass
Ineffable universe,
Each in its own flower
Tathagata's dancing
Upon the light
On petals dewy bright!
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