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The Illusory Nature of the World
2009/04/05 06:13:21瀏覽443|回應0|推薦1

Seeing is believing. We know what the world around us looks like. We have the right to expect it to behave in ways we have previously experienced, but do we have the insight into the true nature of things?

Nothing is really what it seems: nothing be.
Look up on a clear night,
And see a field of stars so vast,
Its actual immensity despite,
Small glitterings from distant past.

At times the moon seems so large,
And now, so far and small.
A washtub? A basketball? A dinner plate!

My first time at sea, I recall,
Down the horizon I saw the sun fall.
See, that's where the Earth terminates,
Her water tumbling over a huge waterfall!

But as I grow older, Nothing is the matter.
Seeing is not believing:
The truth is in the living.

Seeing is believing. We know what the world around us looks like. We have the right to expect it to behave in ways we have previously experienced, but do we have insight into the true nature of things?

Nothing is really what it seems: nothing be.
Look up on a clear night,
And see a field of stars so vast,
Its actual immensity despite,
Small glitterings from distant past.

At times the moon seems so large,
And now, so far and small.
A tub? A basin? A dinner plate?
Or is it a basketball?

My first time at sea, I recall,
Down the horizon I saw the sun fall.
See, that's where the Earth terminates,
Her water tumbling over a huge waterfall!

But as I grow older,
Nothing is the matter.
Seeing is not believing:
The truth is in the living.
( 創作詩詞 )
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