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Pourras Tu Jamais Me Pardonner?
2012/05/04 04:42:20瀏覽280|回應0|推薦1

World Poetry Movement 2011 Semifinalist

Copyright Akira Tomiyama

Pourras Tu Jamais Me Pardonner? - Could you ever forgive me?

Talk about a girl:

Her soul, her eyes, her curls;

Talk about a boy:

His amour, his cars, his toys;

Together we’ll soar the spacious sky,

Riding rainbows to sail the seven seas,

Wiggling away the sunset beneath our toes,

Sharing secrets between you and me.


Talk about the things you’d like to do;

Talk about how our dreams have come true,

Write a poem about my love for you,

Sing a song about our love so true.


I’ll comfort you in times of sorrow

I’ll cheer you up when you feel low,

I’d take your place when you’re in pain,

I’ll stand by you come shine or rain.


Now, what’d you call this my Love,

Well, we’ll talk about this in heavens above.


Dedicated to Ivy Y. L. Chung

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