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-- --------------- 外星人全面大揭露勢在必行 我們身處在一個謊言世界 Full disclosure of aliens is imperative We live in a world of lies ------------ UFO聽證會證據曝光 數百起異象無解 美國政府挨批隱瞞真相?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2nPwmkUv50 - -------------
----------- 美國眾議院聽證會前國防部官員和退役的海軍少將都表示, 不明飛行物體UFO真實存在,人類在宇宙中並不孤單, 但五角大廈並沒有回應 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2nPwmkUv50&pp=ygUfMjAyNOe-juWci-ecvuitsOmZolVGT-iBveitieacgw%3D%3D - ----------- 川普勝選後的美國, 到底會是至暗時刻還是黃金時代? - ---------- 推論”事件”會在 2100年12月31日之前發生 It is inferred that the "event" will be in Occurs before December 31, 2100 ------------ 2023年4月8日台北揚升會議 2023 Taipei Ascension Conference IGAG Official Note Day 1 April 8th - When a physical polar shift happens, it will cause a mass extinction of Earth species. As the Earth’s rotation axis suddenly changes, there will be a very strong centrifugal force , which will cause a huge tsunami. This tsunami is the natural purification process. It will wash the Earth and bring back balance. Such a tsunami has happened many times in human history and many times in the Atlantis era. Many aboriginal legends have the record about the Great Flood. The Great Flood is a partial memory of the past Galactic Superwave In fact, we are not alone in this process. The galactic forces of light will evacuate all beings who want to leave to their motherships before polar shift. Noah Ark in the Bible actually is actually the story that light forces evacuated humanity and animals from the surface to their motherships. Many indigenous peoples have their own versions of the Noah Ark story. 銀河超級波會影響太陽和地球進而造成磁極反轉, 地球磁場變弱後,若到一定程度地表磁極就會開始反轉。 當地球磁極翻轉,自轉軸突然會產生非常大的離心力。 這會導致成巨大的海嘯,這個巨大的海嘯會沖刷地表世界。 這是自然的淨化過程,讓地球回歸平衡。 人類歷史上發生過許多次大海嘯。 亞特蘭提斯時代就發生過很多次。 許多原住民有關於大洪水的傳說。 關於大洪水的傳說都是過去銀河超級波跟大洪水的記憶。 其實我們在這個過程中不孤單, 銀河系的光明勢力會在反轉之前 就會把想要撤離的眾生都撤離到星際母船裡面。 大撤離在過去發生過很多次了。 聖經裡的諾亞方舟故事就是光明勢力把地表的生命 跟動物傳送到星際母船的故事。 許多原住民都流傳著這些諾亞方舟的傳說, --------------------- 2022年5月26日訊息【啟示錄】 The Apocalypse https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/05/26/the-apocalypse/ The polar shift triggers a global tsunami wave which washes over the planetary surface and purifies it. This tsunami wave is a necessary part of the primary anomaly purification process, and only individuals strongly connected with inner Light within Islands of Light, except for an occasional prepper, will be able to survive it on the surface of the planet. The rest of the human population will be evacuated from the surface and will then be able to start a new cycle afresh, in full alignment with the Light. The Resistance Movement will eliminate the core members of these Cabal before the pole shift occurs. 極移會在全世界引發海嘯。 海嘯將會洗刷並且淨化地表世界。 這波大海嘯是淨化主要異常的必經過程。 屆時只有極少數的末世準備者以及生活在光之島 並且與內在聖光有著深刻連結的人才能在地表世界倖存。 其他的人類將會從地表世界撤離然後展開完全符合聖光的新生活。 抵抗運動會在極移發生之前肅清這些陰謀集團的核心成員。 ---------------- 2022年1月3日訊息【神聖介入冥想成果報告】 Divine Intervention Activation Report https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/01/03/divine-intervention-activation-report/ - This final offensive of the Light Forces is clearing all remnants of the dark force fleet in the Solar System, and all negative subterranean bases. All captured dark beings are offered a “surrender or die” option. If they surrender, they need to accept the Galactic Codex, accept the Light and repair the consequences of their past actions. If they are unwilling or unable to do so, they are taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring via the Ganymede sorting facility. 光明勢力正在對太陽系內殘存的黑暗勢力艦隊 以及所有的負面地下基地發動最後的清剿攻勢 所有的黑暗勢力成員在被俘虜之後 都會有兩種選擇 : 投降否則死路一條。 如果他們投降,他們需要接受銀河法典、 接受聖光並且彌補他們過去犯下的錯誤。 如果他們不願意投降或者沒辦法投降, 他們就會經過木衛三的分類設施 然後被送往銀河中央太陽進行靈魂重組。 ------------------ 注意 ! 地球人只有15分鐘 ! Attention! Earthlings only have 15 minutes! https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180779444?f_UA=pc Ashtar Command ships will be deployed during the evacuation Use the levitating light beam to get everyone on board the spaceship as quickly as possible. Please remain calm and do not hesitate. When the informed light workers evacuated early, The evacuation time for people on the surface is only 15 minutes at most. Please take care of yourself and dont worry about others. 阿斯塔指揮部的船艦會在大撤離期間 用懸浮光柱盡快將所有人帶上飛船。 請大家屆時保持冷靜,也不要猶豫。 當知情的光工們提前撤離之後, 留下地表民眾的撤離時間最多只有15分鐘。 請大家屆時照顧好自己,不用去擔心其他人。 -------- 2023年11月11、12日清邁揚升會議 Chiang Mai Ascension Conference https://prepareforchange-japan.blogspot.com/2023/11/chiang-mai-ascension-conference-day-1.html https://prepareforchange-japan.blogspot.com/2023/11/chiang-mai-ascension-conference-day-2.html - But we have a problem here. We have roughly 400 million psychopaths on the surface of the planet. And a certain percentage of them are dangerous. When the light forces remove some of them, you will see most of the psychopaths will be just retreated. They will not go crazy but they will retreat themselves. So the Event will not remove all dark individuals like all the criminals. It is simply not possible to arrest 400 millions of people. So the main bad guys will be removed. New society will be produced. This will create a gradual transformation of humanity. “gradual” does not mean 1-2 weeks, but it takes few years. 事件發生的時候,光明勢力不會逮捕所有的罪犯。 現實就是不可能一口氣逮捕4億名精神變態份子。 光明勢力屆時會優先逮捕罪行重大的權貴和名人。 人類社會會進行漸進式的轉型。 這個逐步改革的時間不是1-2周,而是要耗時好幾年。 ------ In 1859, there was something called Carrington Event, That storm started the process of the weakening of the earth’s magnetic field. Since that time, the earth’s magnetic field got weakened more and more. When the magnetic field loses too much of intensity, it will trigger the physical polar shift. 1859年,發生了一個叫做卡林頓事件的事情, 這場風暴開始了地球磁場減弱的過程。 從那時起,地球磁場越來越弱。當磁場失去太多強度時, 就會引發物理極移。 -
以下文章來源是: 【外星人全面大揭露勢在必行,我們身處在一個謊言世界】 上面這篇文章已找不到英文原來的版本 所以我用Google翻譯將中文翻成英文,所以會有點怪怪的 The original English version of the above article cannot be found So I used Google Translate to translate the Chinese into English, so it was a little weird. --------------- Full disclosure of aliens is imperative We live in a world of lies It is inferred that the "event" will be in Occurs before December 31, 2100 humanitys final destiny Almost every country in the world is controlled by this cabal hiding behind the scenes. John. What Kennedy said at that time was really good, He publicly declared his opposition to such "secret organizations, secret alliances, secret agendas, and those inhumane conspiracies, and a strict and efficient control system that combines the joint operation of the military, diplomacy, intelligence, economics, science, and political parties." In fact, almost everything we see around us is built on secrets and lies Full Disclosure will reveal more than just the truth about UFOs and aliens visiting the Earth. It’s not just about the deliberate suppression and concealment that free energy technology has been subjected to, Disclosure will also make the public aware of these "secret organizations" that Kennedy called, There are also how a group of "elite" groups control the media, schools, religion, military, food supply, financial system, and weather weapon negative technology (HAARP), as well as large-scale plans to influence humans through genetically modified food. The name is "eugenics." They are also pushing negative agendas into health and medicine that can seriously harm humanity, including by subverting the scientific method and how drugs are used to numb people and slowly reduce biological activity in the body. Full disclosure will also reveal how this small group of elites stole and abused global collateral accounts in the past, which were originally established to fund large-scale humanitarian programs, which is the real reason for Kennedy’s assassination, and The true history behind all of these accounts, all the banks and governments (actually privately registered companies), and other organizations using these accounts illegally (such as the United Nations) will be revealed. We will also learn about the relationship between the 9/11 false flag operation and these accounts. We will also learn how our birth certificates become property deeds that are bought and sold on the New York Stock Exchange. Almost all "governments" in this world are actually private companies. We dont have a government that really serves the public. Just a bunch of private businesses masquerading as legitimate government. We will also learn about the Cabals mind control programming of the general public and certain politicians, as well as bankers and celebrities, in a program popularly known as MK Ultra. In addition to the above, we will also learn about the large-scale illegal child trafficking and pedophile rings in which these elites were involved. Although there are certain factions who want to push for one-sided revelations, this scenario is almost impossible to achieve. This is because there are very, very many people related to science, military, politics, and intelligence who know an amazing amount of information. But they remain silent for now, The purpose is to save their own lives or jobs. Once the right moment comes, we will see several important people come out to reveal the shocking information they know. When disclosure occurs, everything that has been sealed for a long time will suddenly come to light. Dozens or hundreds of insiders who know the truth will appear one after another. At that time, their lives will no longer be threatened. They will be able to tell everything they know with confidence, Disclosure covers a wide range of areas, including all of the above. Due to reports on the Internet and some independent media, More and more people are aware of the revelations such as those listed above or others. The world is gradually preparing to face the Great Disclosure. Humanity on Earth is awakening. In fact, we have already had the ability to make this planet known in the past. The technology that turns the planet into a paradise, We all know that there are many peaceful and friendly alien races living on other planets or higher dimensions. This is the truth! --------------------------- 世界上幾乎每一個國家都被這個藏身在幕後的陰謀集團所掌控, 約翰.甘迺迪當時這句話說的真好, 他公開宣稱反對這種「秘密組織、秘密誓盟、秘密議程, 以及那些慘無人道的陰謀,與軍隊、外交、情報、經濟、 科學、政黨聯合運作相結合的嚴密高效控制系統。」 事實上,我們所看到的周圍的一切幾乎都是建立在秘密和謊言之上的 全面大揭露將公開的不僅僅只是UFO和外星人造訪地球的真相, 也不只是關於自由能源科技一直以來所受到的刻意打壓與隱瞞, 大揭露也將會讓大眾得知這些甘迺迪所說的「秘密組織」, 還有那一群「菁英」團體是如何控制媒體、學校、宗教、軍隊、 食品供應、金融系統以及氣象武器負面科技(HAARP), 還有企圖透過基因改造食品影響人類的大規模計劃, 對外的名稱是「優生學」。 他們還透過顛覆科學方法等手段將那些會嚴重傷害人類的負面議程 推動至健康與醫療領域,以及藥物如何被用於使人麻木 並緩慢降低人體內的生物活性。 - 全面大揭露也將揭示這一小群菁英 在過去是如何竊取和濫用全球抵押帳戶 這些帳戶原本是被建立用來資助大規模的人道主義計劃, 這也是甘迺迪被暗殺的真正原因, 還有關於這些帳戶、所有的銀行和政府(實際上是私人註冊公司) 和其他非法使用這些帳戶的組織(如:聯合國), 所有這些背後的真實歷史都將被揭露出來。 我們也將會得知911偽旗行動跟這些帳戶之間的關係。 - 我們也將了解到我們的出生證 是如何成為在紐約證券交易所裡被買賣的財產契據。 這個世界上幾乎所有的「政府」其實都是一間私人公司 我們並沒有真正在為大眾服務的政府, 只有一群偽裝成合法政府的私人企業。 我們還將知道陰謀集團對大眾以及某些政客的心理控制編程 還有銀行家和名人也是他們的對象, 這計劃普遍被稱為MK Ultra。 除了以上提到的,我們也將得知這些菁英們參與的 大規模非法兒童販運和戀童癖集團。 - 雖然有某些派系想要推動片面揭露, 但這種劇本是幾乎不可能實現的, 這是因為有非常非常多的科學、軍方、政治、情報相關的人士 他們知道非常驚人的訊息量,但他們暫時保持沉默, 目地是為了保住自己的性命或工作,一旦正確的時機點來臨, 我們將會看到幾個重要人物出來公開他們所知道的驚人訊息。 當大揭露發生的時候,一切塵封已久事情都會突如其來, 幾十個、上百個知道真相的內幕人士將會一個接著一個現身, 那時他們將不再受到生命威脅, 他們將可以放心的說出所有他們知道的事情, 大揭露涵蓋的範圍相當廣,包括所有上面提到的。 由於網路和一些獨立媒體的報導, 像是上面列出的或其他的揭密訊息已經越來越多人知道, 世界正逐漸準備好面對大揭露,地球上的人類正在覺醒, 而且我們在過去其實早就有了能讓這顆星球變成天堂的科技, 我們都知道在其他的星球或更高的維度居住著非常多的和平、 友善的外星種族。這就是真相! -------- 呼請銀河聯盟、木星指揮部、 阿斯塔指揮部、昴宿星艦隊、 天狼星艦隊、大角星艦隊和仙女星系艦隊、 遍佈全太陽系的抵抗運動、 來自非實體世界的天使、大天使、揚升存有 許多各式各樣的光之存有們 正在傳導銀心的能量到太陽系和地球, 進而協助最後的解放任務。 2020年3月17日東、西方聯合專題訪談 -------- 人類的終局命運 Send it to all your friends and family Humanitys final destiny ---------- 2024年11月3日訊息【簡短近況更新】 Short Situation Update https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/11/03/short-situation-update-and-workshop-in-taiwan/ - 光明勢力表示他們已經收到事件發生的最終時間表。 事件會在這個範圍之內發生,而且不會再繼續拖延。 基於安全考量,他們不會公開時間表的相關日期。 The Light forces have communicated that they have received the final timeframe within which the Event will happen, and there will be no further delays from that. They will NOT communicate that timeframe for security reasons. ----------- https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180676700?f_UA=pc 地球極移的原理和地質證據 https://www.golden-ages.org/2023/05/22/20230522/ The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp79b00752a000300070001-8 我的預知夢境 Warning in dream https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180670377?f_UA=pc 【事件】- 全球和平繁榮計劃 https://www.golden-ages.org/2014/04/12/the-event/ 事件可能會在2025年啟動 https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180746244?f_UA=pc 【解放地球】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/04/02/2012/ 【移除陰謀集團】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/05/02/0502/ 【新金融系統】金融重置 https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/04/28/2012-4-28/ ------------------ 從以下的談話 可以推論”事件”會在2100年12月31日之前發生 Lynn : 如果”事件”不發生,現在的人類會怎樣? COBRA : 沒有”事件”,人類會在21世紀滅絕。 2016年9月29日PFC 訪談 - (2001年1月1日至2100年12月31日的這一段期間稱為21世紀) ------------ 畢宿五星人在9月聯繫過好幾位世界各國的領袖, 後者的心態還沒有開放到願意和畢宿五星人合作。 9月的會面是光明勢力最後一次嘗試透過談判解決問題。 9月之後,正面的畢宿五星人、仙女星系人 和其他打扮成人類模樣的特工就開始滲透到地表世界活動。 In September, the Aldebarans have contacted certain world leaders, and the world leaders have not been open to cooperation. This was the last negotiation attempt, and since then, positive Aldebaran, Andromedan and other agents in their humanoid physical bodies are infiltrating the surface society. ---------------- After November 19th, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years. Once Pluto fully enters Aquarius, it will bring liberation energy to Earth. We are going to witness more new technologies and the First Contact, which allows the Earth to join the galactic community. 2024 July Cobra Ascension Workshop in Asia-Rise of the Dragons Workshop note by IGAG ---- 2024年11月19日過去之後冥王星會在水瓶座裡待上20年 當冥王星正式進入水瓶座之後會帶來地球解放能量 會看到更多的新科技,促成第一次接觸,讓地球加入銀河社會。 - 2024年7月亞洲揚升工作坊- 龍族崛起重點筆記 ----------------- After the Event, and especially after the first contact, the positive extraterrestrial races will use their technology not only to remove excessive radiation from Fukushima, but to actually restore ecological balance throughout the planet. One of the top priorities will be to remove radiation and various poisonous substances from many nuclear power plants in other locations around the planet, not only Fukushima but also Chernobyl and other locations. They will then continue with restoring the ecosystem of the planet and it will be quite a fast operation in human standards. After the First Contact, in a few months, the situation on the planet will be much, much better. They have advanced technology. Of course, they have complete control over matter so they can actually disintegrate all harmful substances in a matter of seconds. It is not a problem for them. It is just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and receive that technology. That is why the Event needs to happen first, the removal the Cabal needs to happen first, so the Light Forces can then use the mass media to educate the human population, so when these things do happen the human population will have an understanding and also an active participation in that purification process. - “事件”之後尤其是第一次接觸之後, 正面的外星種族將用他們的科技 不止移除福島的過量輻射,也會恢復整個星球的生態平衡。 其中最為優先的是清理來自星球上其他核電站的輻射和污染物。 不只是福島還有車諾比爾和其他地方, 然後他們會重建星球的生態系統 以人類的標準這是一個很快的行動。 第一次接觸幾個月之後星球上的狀況會更加、更加好。 他們有先進科技。當然他們完全掌握了控制物質的技術, 所以他們實際上可以在幾秒內分解所有有害物質, 這對他們來說不是問題。問題在於人類要有正確的意識和理解, 來接受和獲得那種技術。這就是為何”事件”需要首先發生, 需要首先把陰謀集團移除,以便光的勢力可以用大眾傳媒教育公眾 當這些確實發生後,人類將會有一個理解,也會積極參加這個淨化過程 - 2013年11月16日 柯博拉與伊莉莎白新訪談 ------ Note: This is a very important reminder! Pluto enters Aquarius on November 20, 2024 The forces of light are scheduled to arrive within 20 years of Pluto entering Aquarius. Run through the entire process of events, first contact, collective ascension and evacuation. 注意 這是很重要非常重要的提醒 ! 冥王星2024年11月20日進入水瓶座 光明勢力預定在冥王星進入水瓶座的20年內 跑完事件、第一次接觸、集體揚升和大撤離的全部流程。 2024年2月3日、4日鳳凰城揚升會議摘要筆記 https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/02/03/phoenix-ascension-conference/ ------------ In November, many extremely important energetic events will happen. 許多重要的能量事件會在今年11月發生。 - Then on November 24th, a very important operation of the Light forces will be completed. 光明勢力會在11月24日完成一項非常重要的行動。 - Then on November 29th, a strong cycle will be completed, leading the way into breakthroughs of December and January. 一個非常強大的循環週期會在11月29日完成, 進而促使在12月和明年1月引發許多突破。 - Also, according to sources, around 2032 the Earth’s magnetic field will drop below 50% to allow the increased solar pre-micronova activity to collapse the surface civilization based on electricity and internet 許多情報來源表示:地球磁場的強度會在2032年衰減到不足原本強度的50%。就算到時候太陽還沒發生微新星爆發,逐漸變強的太陽活動也足以讓依賴電力和網路的地表世界崩潰 2024年9月23日訊息【循環週期的完結】 Ending the Cycle ----------- Financial lies Many people have actually discovered that the global financial system actually serves the rich rather than the poor. However, there is nothing that can be done about this system Because the system was designed by the rich And they turn this world into an unscrupulous "game place" Make the rich richer and the poor poorer by taking away our rights and freedoms to make yourself stronger and more powerful And sit back and watch all of humanity being easily manipulated and manipulated by them It’s time to end and reject these systems that provide false financial security to people This system created subprime loans and lent them to the poor And poor people use collateral to borrow subprime loans Subprime loan interest rate increases Poor people will be evicted and their property will be confiscated This is a movie that never stops One-way money-making machine And fraud in the banking system It is to use ever-increasing interest rates to make ordinary people indebted. The effect is to make the rich richer and move money from the pockets of ordinary people into the pockets of the rich- The truth about the Federal Reserve and the IRS movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQT3b2fhY-A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXGdn0QdUIw https://blog.udn.com/Uni127/180551269 --- 啟示錄 - 最後大審判 Revelation - The Last Judgment https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180682298?f_UA=pc 金融謊言 很多人其實都曾發現全球的金融體係 其實是在服務富人而不是在服務窮人 然而卻又對這樣的制度無可奈何 因為制度是富人設計出來的 而他們把這個世界變成肆無忌憚的”遊戲場所” 讓富人們更富有,窮人們更貧窮 他們通過剝奪我們的權利和自由 來使得自己變得更強更有力 並且坐看全體人類輕易地被他們擺弄與操縱 是時候結束並拒絕 這些為民眾提供虛假金錢保障的系統 這個系統製造了次級貸款,並貸給窮人 而窮人用抵押品去借次級貸款 次級貸款提高利率後 窮人會就被驅逐而被沒收財產 這是一部永不停止地 單向流動的賺錢機器 而銀行系統的詐騙行為 就是運用不斷增加的利率來讓一般人負債 作用就是讓富人更加富裕 並將錢從一般人的口袋進入富人的口袋 -- 美聯儲和國稅局真相電影 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQT3b2fhY-A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXGdn0QdUIw https://blog.udn.com/Uni127/180551269 -- 守護諭令 - 大家如果感覺受到負面干擾, 或者進行冥想以及重大光之工作時 可以進行以下的守護諭令加強保護作用: 奉神聖本源之名 奉我是臨在的永恆聖光之名 奉所有光明勢力之名 我在此宣告並且下令 所有來自無論是敵或友、黑暗勢力、負面想法 和負面人工智慧發出的干擾能量立即停止並且消失。 我在此呼請白色合一火焰轉化 所有的干擾能量,轉化為聖潔的光。 從現在開始直到永遠,我將遵循源頭的神聖意志, 我將必然受到全面的保護。 所有已造成的破壞與傷害將立即修復,回歸聖光。 從現在開始直到永遠,我將受到鑽石光戰士們、 大天使麥可、大天使麥達昶、所有天使軍團 以及神聖大愛的守護與指引。 以上宣告如所祈願,就在現在,必定顯化! ---------- Attention ! Earthlings only have 15 minutes ! Revelation - The Last Judgment Taiwan is the world’s largest underground base The Ashtar Command has prevented many nuclear wars from breaking out The Light Forces warning to the Cabal The killings seriously affected the condition of the planetary energy body Robert Monroe Journeys out of the bady Taiwans treasure island has huge and amazing energy The incredible power of sound vibration frequencies Aliens try to stop stupid humans from destroying themselves My soul may have been experience Atlantis Free energy is a research that can make people lose their lives The American cabal created the 911 attacks and Japan 311 tsunami “Nanobots” were found in the bodies of 96 million Japanese citizens who received vaccines! Doctor who vowed to reveal the truth dies in plane crash Gold handed over to the United States for safekeeping by the Republic of China was stolen 50% of the information about Jesus’ life is fake?! ---------------- 地球光網格專案 沙特之行 https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/08/06/534345353/ ---------------- 2020年度如意寶珠光網格計劃總結 https://www.golden-ages.org/2021/04/15/0415-01/ ------------- 捐款 https://golden-ages-donate.org/ ----------------- 發票愛心捐贈碼【144000】 ---------------- 人類再也不會被強迫轉世 Human beings are no longer forced to incarnate https://www.golden-ages.org/2023/06/08/situation-update-10/ ------------------ 龍族的終局之戰 Dragon Endgame https://www.golden-ages.org/2020/05/19/dragon-endgame/ ------------------ Covid virus was created by the Chimera-controlled DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and released as a mechanism against the progress of the Light Forces towards the liberation of the planet: 冠狀病毒是由奇美拉控制的美國國防部 國防高等研究計劃署創造出來的產物 黑暗勢力製造這次疫情的目的是要拖延光明勢力解放地球的進度 美國國防部國防高等研究計劃署 DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) - 2022年1月3日訊息【神聖介入冥想成果報告】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/01/03/divine-intervention-activation-report/ ------ 奇美拉是誰? www.golden-ages.org/2016/12/chimera/ ------ 執政官 https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/01/08/archon/ - 執政官(希臘文的意思是統治者)來自仙女座星系 並且選擇體驗黑暗。他們拒絕與神聖本源重新連結。 他們花了幾千年時間,利用基因工程創造了龍人和爬蟲人, 並且把他們當作奴隸戰士用來擴張自己的黑暗帝國。 地球是這個黑暗帝國中最後一顆尚未解放的星球, 只剩下少數執政官殘黨住在地球上。 ------ 執政官入侵 https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/08/02/archons-invasion/ - 人類已知歷史中發生過三次 由執政官和他們的附庸種族(龍人、爬蟲人) 發動的外星軍事入侵。 這三場入侵都是現實世界和精神世界的浩劫。 ------ 2012後的地球解放戰爭紀錄(2024/01/19更新) https://www.golden-ages.org/2021/04/14/0414-01/ ------ 誰是陰謀集團? 他們是誰 !? https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/05/09/the-cabal/ ------ 執政官是誰? www.golden-ages.org/2017/01/archon/ -- ------------- --------------- -------------- 下面影片可以設定中文字幕 (電腦版本) 在右下角選→設定→字幕→中文→自動翻譯→中文(繁體) -- 昴宿星人:影響人類並預防核災的外星種族 -
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