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推論 ”事件” 會在
Full disclosure of aliens is imperative
We live in a world of lies
It is inferred that the "event" will be in
Occurs before December 31, 2100
Humanitys final destiny
--------------- 台灣寶島 有巨大驚人的能量 Taiwans treasure island has huge and amazing energy -- --- ----------------- 細說來龍去脈 揭開臺北最強能量場的面紗 https://www.mypeoplevol.com/Article/19300 ------------------- If you want to absorb the good energy of nature, Taiwanese don’t have to look far. Amazing science has discovered that Taiwan is surrounded by the strongest mysterious energy, and the energy of the land ranks first in the world!! Dutch scientist Jaap VanEtten has confirmed that the land of Taiwan contains higher energy than the world-famous American energy city of Sedona, Arizona, and is very likely to replace Sedona, which has millions of tourists every year. Dona City becomes an international tourist destination for alternative therapies! There are many places in Taiwan that have measured altitudes above 5,000 meters. Parks in Taipei City alone have measured altitudes of 5,000 meters at Daan Park. The underground energy is good. Rongxing Garden Park is also the same. It has free high-energy release, which is the most amazing. The best is Nangang Park, which actually contains 16,000 meters. In other words, one hour in Nangang Park is better than a whole day of forest bathing. Albert was surprised. The radius of the energy value he measured in his hometown in the Netherlands was 2,500 meters, and the radius of Sedona in the United States was 4,000 meters. But the Bamboo Lake on Yangmingshan National Park and an organic farm in Beipu, Zhuzihu The energy value radius is as high as 5,500 meters, which is much higher than that of the 10 countries he studied, including Germany, Belgium, East Africa, Peru, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. As for Taipei’s Daan Park and Lungshan Temple, they also measured 3,000 meters. Multi-meter energy value, the highest level of human spiritual communication energy was measured next to Yehliu Natural Landscape Queen’s Head. ----------------------------- Taiwan is the world’s largest underground base ---------------------------- Personal Notes from Cobra’s Ascension Conference in Taipei, March 11th & 12th - Excerpt part of the content Northern Taiwan holds the largest underground project (of the Galactic (and terrestrial) Light forces (60km x 100 km) which can house 1 billion and is expanding to be able to house 3 billion. It houses teleportation devices and 1000 tons of gold. On July 16th, 2016, at the Ascension conference here in Taiwan, there was a huge energy break through for the planet. This area is a very strategic point in the energy grid and is very much assisting in the compression breakthrough for the planet with the help of the Dragon family. (In my first trip here, for the conference, i could feel and see the Light energy of this area, most tangibly in the hearts and eyes of the beautiful Taiwanese Light workers) The Dragon family goes back to the end of the Ming Dynasty, when the Manchurians in Mongolia (from the Ching Dynasty, who were not Chinese) came to China. The original Ming were a militant as well as a spiritual family and went underground and migrated to Taiwan. The Jesuits and Rothschilds created the opium wars to stifle the spiritual progress of the Chinese. After WW II other dragon families infiltrated Chinese society. So the current day Dragon family is connected to this underground base in northern Taiwan and is very active in the liberation of our planet on many levels. The Taiwanese (Anthem Chang, founder) in Taipei have grown a rather large group of Lightworkers to affect our liberation. - We, on the surface of the planet, are triggers for the COmpression BRAekthrough and are helping establish the Cintamani grid on the planet. Plasma energy (tachyons) exist in and flows through these stones and helps transmit and ground the Light to the earth. The Agarthians have asked to bring the Cintamani stones into caves… the deeper, the better, to generate vortex’s and anchor Angelic Beings. They are also helping to purify the plasma and clear the Yaldaboath’s head from around the surface of the planet. Another result of our global meditation on the last solar eclipse, 4 of the 5 Goddess vortexes in Syria were liberated. ------------------------- 台灣寶島 有巨大驚人的能量 Taiwans treasure island has huge and amazing energy --------------------------------- 當我第一次看下面這南港公園影片時 頭就開始怪怪的 到了鳳凰和大寶走到那塊方正大石頭的時候 我的頭就開始很痛感覺悶痛很不舒服 今天9月17日我再看影片的時候 我的左腳板側邊很養就是過敏的毛病又來了 -------------- 台北市傳說中的能量點...?【南港公園】 https://youtu.be/c8jIS0JIrSU?si=9rAL1nA06kco6ls_ - ----- -------------------- 台灣土地 能量驚人 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/paper/18799 ------------------------- 荷蘭通靈科學家亞柏 談台灣能量印象 https://austcathy.blogspot.com/2009/05/blog-post_31.html ----------------- 台灣是全球最大地下基地 Taiwan is the world’s largest underground base https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180632537?f_UA=pc ---- - 摘錄部份文章 - 台灣已經發生了非常神奇的事情。 現在整個北台灣,有個地球上最大的地下基地。 北台灣地底下從桃園機場到台北市為界有一座巨大的地下基地。 現在光明勢力正在北台灣的地下擴建這個基地, 現在這個地下基地可以容納10億人, 光明勢力現在打算讓基地擴建到可以容納30億人, 目前地下基地有很多昴宿星人。 這個地下基地的大小約:長100公里,寬50公里。 現在北台灣地底下有全世界最大的地下基地, 而且正在逐漸的擴建。 在這地下基地中有一個很巨大的傳送裝置(門戶), 它是由重量高達幾千噸的黃金做的, 這個傳送門戶的目的就是要吸納宇宙的能量到地球上。 這個地下基地就是我來台北舉辦這場會議的原因,沒有別的目的了。 我們在辦會議的期間地下基地的光之存有也在做些任務。 這些任務會加速最後的壓縮突破。 我們去年七月在這裡辦了揚升會議, 當時能量網格產生巨大的能量突破, 那時能量太強以至於黑暗勢力完全嚇到崩潰, 執政官從去年七月崩潰到現在。 現在台灣是地球解放任務的重要突破點, 有很多的原因, 因為台灣位置就在地球能量網格的戰略要地上面, 台灣也是某個龍族的據點。 在明朝結束之後, 明末清初滿州人入侵captive nation, 現在歷史稱那個時代為清朝, 其實清朝不算是captive nation的朝代。 執政官一直很想摧毀中華文化。 他們先引進蒙古戰馬到captive nation, 然後派耶穌會士到captive nation, 他們之後甚至滲透宮廷引發滿州人入侵captive nation。 那時原本明朝軍隊躲藏地下活動, 這個地下明代秘密軍隊一個重要分支就來到台灣, 他們原本的靈性造詣就非常的高, 而且現在這些皇室家族就住在這裡,就在台灣。 ---------------------------- 2019年2月6日訊息【天堂的實相泡泡-情報更新】 - 既然大家已經更了解地球揚升的整體計畫 我就可以安全地公開光明勢力的近期進展 光明勢力已經在台灣北部的地底下 興建了一座足以容納30億人的基地 光明勢力也在中歐和南美洲的某個地點 個別興建一座功能類似不過規模較小的基地 他們也在籌備非洲地下基地的興建作業 這些地下基地將來可能會用來 當作地表人類在撤離階段的避難場所。 ------------ Cobra:亞洲有些地方雖然不是宮殿, 但也充滿了女神能量。 例如柬埔寨的吳哥窟、台北的某間觀音廟。 這座廟其實有通往地下基地的入口。 另外還有一些不對外開放的洞穴。 附註: 經過與Cobra確認後, 台北觀音廟就是萬華龍山寺 ------------------- 艋舺龍山寺 https://www.lungshan.org.tw/tw/index.php -------- https://www.facebook.com/LungShanTP/?locale=zh_TW ---------------- Taiwan is the world’s largest underground base Personal Notes from Cobra’s Ascension Conference in Taipei, March 11th & 12th ------------------ 竹子湖位於陽明山國家公園核心區 ------------------ 竹子湖交通資訊 https://callalily.com.tw/#transport ---------------------- 證實古預言—台灣將成全世界的朝聖地 --------------- 蕭敬騰:全球磁場 我家樓下最好 https://www.chinatimes.com/amp/fashion/20150807006121-263903 ---------------------- 2017年3月11日台北揚升會議 ------------------ 2017年3月12日台北揚升會議 https://www.golden-ages.org/2019/02/15/ascension-conference-taipei-4/ ---------------------- Revelation - The Last Judgment https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180682298 ---------------------- |
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