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2024/09/08 19:18:54瀏覽404|回應0|推薦2 | |
Exposes the truth of the DPPs Green Terror Taiwan People’s Party Official Statement https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/181011763 -- --------- ---------- 選舉補助款 蔡正元戳破藍綠假面具 https://youtu.be/2CXvY6o1dCE?si=oNq7rYLDa9N_5lvX ------------ 陳佩琪攤開存摺明細澄清 首次媒體專訪完整版 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAgJeLna0WM - ----------- -------------------- @jayTWTN Taiwan is under Green Terror. (Green: Democratic Progressive Party, the ruling party). The judiciary serve for DPP. The judiciary lose the fairness and justice and become one of DPPs weapon to eliminate their political opponents. Prosecutor searched Ko wen-jes home, his office, and ridiculously including the TPP central party office, which is no relation with the suspicious crime and out of the restriction of search tickets. The prosecutor didnt find any illegal cash. Then Ko wen-je was interrogated for 70hrs in inhumane situation. Prosecutor couldnt find any illegal cash/payment flow or strong criminal evidence. Ko wen-je dont take bribes, but was arrested and detained for groundless crime, ridiculously. It is the darkness of Taiwan democracy. LIVE: Taiwan Peoples Party Calls for Protest in Taipei to Support Ko Wen-je -------------------------- 抗議司法濫權全國開講 小草集結晚會現場最新 ------ ------------------ -------- 台灣民眾黨臉書 - 京華城土地變更案一卡超過30年,是歷任台北市長的難關。唯一扛起責任,想要務實解決問題的市長 柯文哲,如今卻被羅織收賄、圖利等罪名,遭到國家機器政治司法、黨媒追殺瘋狂抹黑,司法公正、偵查不公開只是笑話。顏色不對,就抹你圖利,此例一開,還有哪個公務員,膽敢幫國家做事? 郝龍斌市府時期,苛扣京華城容積,打壓地主合理權益,2016年遭到 #監察院 糾正。柯文哲上任後依法行事,按照監察院糾正結果,將560%容積率還給京華城,這不是天花板,而是「樓地板」,也就是如果符合其他都市計畫條件,容積還可以增加。之後,京華城提出「都市計畫變更」申請,歷經提案、公展、討論和 #都委會 審議通過,會議全程直播,現任台北市長 蔣萬安 上任後的都發局也在,今年1月發布新聞稿聲明「京華城容積審議過程合法合規」。 歷任市長消極處理,不願扛下政治炸彈,京華城一擺就是30年,拖累城市發展,連累周圍社區。柯文哲勇敢承擔,尊重專業、依法行政,卻遭有心人士刻意忽略30年來前因後果,羅織罪名,再由國家機器與側翼媒體接手,鋪天蓋地公然進行人格謀殺。 京華城曾經銬住台北市東南區的進步發展,如今銬上了柯文哲,禁錮了他的自由,暴露「偵查不公開」與「媒體自律」在台灣只是笑話,凸顯「圖利罪」能如何輕易草率的,拿來變成有權者對付政敵的武器。 如果帶領台灣開創第三勢力的路,是這麼辛苦,如果要柯文哲的屈辱,才能灌溉台灣的司法改革往前邁進,那就讓我們一起陪著他,一起走下去。 集結,就在今晚!在立法院群賢樓外,我們一起找回這個國家的司法程序正義! ------ ---- 京華城案澄清圖卡專區 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Tz8uk7WZ9-oza0sPfDqrWacw5uWYh0w?usp=drive_link ----------------- 下面是我綜合網友的回應部份抄錄如下 :監察院105年要求郝市府容積率392改給560從1989年監察院第六次專案小組會議紀錄結論就清楚載明560%2013監委馬以國調查報告裏頭寫的容積也是560%歷經5年郝市府未處理監察院2016才會提出糾正並"質問"北市府------京華城非危老不是用都更,京華城是依法合法的“ 都市計畫 ”,係內政部發函要求交由都委會專家審議決議的共識決,而非台北市政府決定。柯文哲卸任的時候是672%非媒體一直講的840%:多出的0.3是沈慶京華44億購買的容積移轉上限,所以是到蔣市府時期才來到840%而且蔣市府有對此說明過京華城容積問題是合法的。京華城不是按危老或都更辦理,他是都市計畫,其中那20%也不是按照都更案來辦理,而是依「台北市容積移轉審查許可自治條例」規定「容積移轉及獎勵容積不得超過法定容積的50%」的50%扣除內政部「都市計畫容積移轉實施辦法」第8條第1項規定法定容積移轉上限30%而得出20%的容積獎勵,容積獎勵也依都市計畫法第24條經過公開展覽、研議與審議。再者,840%的數字是「如果」京威申請以44億自購的30%自購容積移轉的申請通過,才會以這30%+原本的20%容積獎勵計算為560%法定容積率*(100%+20%容積獎勵+30%自購容積移轉)=840%,但這個申請現在也還沒通過,所以840%之說根本是空穴來風。----------- 1987年威京集團買下唐榮鐵工廠標售的機械廠舊址土地 1996年台北市政府正式核准京華城建築案 2001年威京集團京華城落成 2020年威京集團拆除京華城重建商辦大樓「京華廣場」 京華城是威京集團自己花錢買下的土地(唐榮鐵工廠土地) 京華城是威京集團自己花錢蓋的百貨商場 威京集團自己花錢拆除京華城要進行重建商辦大樓 這整個過程都是威京集團京華城花自己的錢沒有花政府一毛錢 移轉容積率是京華城要花費約44億元錢去買的容積率 這些所有的金額都是京華城用自己的錢來付費的 土地是京華城自己所有的 威京集團自己出錢拆除自己蓋的百貨京華城 重建京華城也是威京集團自己出錢重建 沒有花政府一毛錢 再來柯文哲市府要求京華城提供87.7億元保證金 要求達到綠建築、智慧建築、耐震建築等要求 若未達標,即沒收保證金。 京華城提供87.7億元的保證金,如此怎麼會是圖利財團? 560%--672%是獎勵容積率 672%--840%是移轉容積率 所謂的移轉容積率是京華城要花錢去買的容積率 大家爭議的840%是京華城要花費約44億元錢去買的容積率 花費約44億元錢去買的容積率怎會有圖利的問題? ------------ 臺北市政府都市發展局新聞稿 本細部計畫案係由京華城依都市計畫法第24條規定提出申請修訂 其變更計畫內容之合宜性、公益性、對價性、適法性等, 經本市都委會討論及審議確認,均符都市計畫法令程序。 https://www.udd.gov.taipei/events/fhqekzq-19876 ---- 臺北地方法院法官呂政燁違反辦案程序 及法官倫理規範損害司法信譽 監察院彈劾 https://www.cy.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=124&s=6583 ---------------- 102 06 06 監察院彈劾臺灣臺北地方法院法官呂政燁 由台北地院法官呂政燁負責審查 根據監察院「102年劾字第4號」文, 呂政燁擔任刑事審查庭法官期間,對於審理之案件, 有嚴重違反辦案程序規定及法官倫理規範, 侵害被告及告訴人之訴訟權益情事, 爰依法提案彈劾,議決呂政燁減月俸20%一年。 https://udn.com/news/story/124199/8206933?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_index ------ ------------ -------------------曝魚果市場減項發包經「議會同意」!陳智菡批:翻臉不認推給柯文哲https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hfeThVwapo - ---------------- ------ Taiwan 911 / Retaliation Against the Former Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan -- We stand here today to bring attention to the unjust treatment of the former mayor of Taipei, Taiwan, the leader of the third political party, who has been unfairly targeted for his commitment to public service and integrity. During his eight-year term as mayor of Taiwan’s capital city, he consistently made decisions in the best interest of the public. The meeting minutes from his term, which are available for public review, clearly demonstrate that his actions were taken with transparency and a genuine concern for the citizens he served. - Despite his exemplary service, his presidential campaign ended without victory. However, the newly elected leader has since misused the justice system to retaliate against him. Under false pretenses, his home and office have been unlawfully searched, and he has been subjected to an inhumane 19-hour interrogation without rest. These actions are not just an attack on him but a blatant abuse of power that undermines the principles of justice and democracy. - We are here outside the facility where he is being held to raise awareness and draw attention to this grave injustice. We demand fair treatment and due process for a leader who has served his city with honor and dedication. We call on all who believe in fairness and democracy to join us in seeking his immediate release. This is not just about one man; it’s about the future of justice and fairness in our society. Let us stand together to ensure that no one is persecuted for doing what is right. - We urge the media, international observers, and all concerned citizens to help shine a light on this situation and hold those in power accountable. We will not rest until justice is served, and he is set free. - The procedure must be fair Justice must be fair --------- |
( 時事評論|公共議題 ) |