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2024/11/03 09:54:17瀏覽819|回應0|推薦1 | |
外星人全面大揭露勢在必行 我們身處在一個謊言世界 推論”事件”會在 2100年12月31日之前發生 Full disclosure of aliens is imperative We live in a world of lies It is inferred that the "event" will be in Occurs before December 31, 2100 人類的終局命運 Humanitys final destiny https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180836265?f_UA=pc ----------- Trump went on Joe Rogan’s podcast before the presidential election, Revealed two very important secrets, He knew who killed Kennedy and that the people involved were still alive. and working within the U.S. government, And the truth about aliens, There are intelligent creatures other than humans on the earth 川普在總統大選前,到喬羅根的播客上,
透露了兩個非常重要的秘密, 他知道誰殺了甘迺迪,而且相關人士還有活著, 並且在美國政府內部工作, 以及有關於外星人真相, 地球上是存在人類之外的智慧生物 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebq266tKRrE - ---------- UFO hearing evidence exposed, hundreds of anomalies unexplained Is the U.S. government criticized for hiding the truth? ! UFO聽證會證據曝光 數百起異象無解 美國政府挨批隱瞞真相?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2nPwmkUv50 - ---------------- 冥王星進入水瓶座能量錨定冥想 光的勝利 Victory of the Light ! https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/181347217?f_UA=pc -- --- -------- 美國大選結果:川普當選 US election results : Trump elected - - 比格斯提前看到美國大選結果:川普當選 US election results: Trump elected https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Uk1wEVSTk8 這位比格斯牧師預言很準 比格斯提早四個月預言川普遇刺 比格斯最經典的預言 https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180845198?f_UA=pc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1AW0YKHVoc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bECanOUZsGI --------------------- -- The Only Issue More Important Than The President https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McWWAyYveuw --- --------- 美國總統大選即時開票 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202411055002.aspx ------------ 美國總統大選有兩種可能 There are two possibilities for the US presidential election ----------- 目前的美國總統大選有兩種可能的時間線 第一種可能是假設這次大選公平舉行 沒有人成功作票舞弊,川普就可能重返白宮,當選總統 另一種可能是沒有總統大選。 There are two possible timelines for the current US presidential election The first possibility is to assume that the election was held fairly If no one succeeds in vote fraud, Trump may return to the White House and be elected president Another possibility is that there is no presidential election. - 目前的美國總統大選有兩種可能的時間線。 第一種可能是假設這次大選公平舉行, 沒有人成功作票舞弊,川普就可能重返白宮,當選總統。 另一種可能是沒有總統大選。 不論將來美國會不會辦總統大選, 光明勢力都呼籲美國民眾在選舉之前 多錨定和平和正義女神的能量。 今年11月的前兩個禮拜是非常關鍵的時期。 黑暗勢力會在這兩個星期內盡可能地製造破壞。 這兩個星期剛好碰到美國總統大選。 光明勢力已經安排了一些阻止陰謀集團的計畫。 這些安排的長遠結果就是會擊敗陰謀集團。 黑暗勢力會在這個階段做出非常嚴重的戰略失誤。 這個失誤會導致他們滅亡。這是艱鉅又充滿挑戰的過程。 黑暗勢力不會馬上敗北,但會一步一步輸個精光。 There are two possible timelines for the current U.S. presidential election. The first possibility is to assume that the election was held fairly. If no one successfully commits vote fraud, Trump may return to the White House and be elected president. Another possibility is that there is no presidential election. Regardless of whether the United States will hold a presidential election in the future, The light forces are calling on the American people to vote before the election Much anchored by the energy of the Goddess of Peace and Justice. The first two weeks of November this year are a very critical period. The dark forces will try to wreak as much havoc as possible during these two weeks. These two weeks coincide with the US presidential election. The light forces have arranged plans to stop the cabal. The long-term result of these arrangements will be the defeat of the Cabal. The dark forces will make very serious strategic mistakes at this stage. This mistake would lead to their demise. This is an arduous and challenging process. The dark forces will not be defeated immediately, but they will lose everything step by step. - 準備轉變 Prepare for Change - 國際黃金時代團隊 ----------- 2024年2月3日、4日鳳凰城揚升會議摘要筆記 --------- 2024年7月亞洲揚升工作坊- 龍族崛起重點筆記 ------ 賀錦麗拒絕出席阿爾·史密斯(Al Smith) 天主教慈善募款晚宴後,得罪了不該得罪的人, 成為她競選活動中最大的滑鐵盧。 https://youtu.be/ZjIUYLnnfuE?si=g4pehohptBNhfQ9f --- ------------ Attention ! Earthlings only have 15 minutes ! Revelation - The Last Judgment Taiwan is the world’s largest underground base The Ashtar Command has prevented many nuclear wars from breaking out The Light Forces warning to the Cabal The killings seriously affected the condition of the planetary energy body Robert Monroe Journeys out of the bady Taiwans treasure island has huge and amazing energy The incredible power of sound vibration frequencies Aliens try to stop stupid humans from destroying themselves My soul may have been experience Atlantis Free energy is a research that can make people lose their lives The American cabal created the 911 attacks and Japan 311 tsunami “Nanobots” were found in the bodies of 96 million Japanese citizens who received vaccines! Doctor who vowed to reveal the truth dies in plane crash Gold handed over to the United States for safekeeping by the Republic of China was stolen 50% of the information about Jesus’ life is fake?! ------
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