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2024/11/05 08:15:22瀏覽80|回應0|推薦2 | |
魚兒的悲痛 ! 花費65分鐘才讓這尾大旗魚的體力耗盡 拜托 放生吧 ! 想想看若有個魚鉤插在你的嘴裡被人甩來甩去 會不會很痛 ? 而且照輪迴來講 這條魚很有可能是你去世千萬年的轉世親友 不要再傷害生命了 拜托 拜托 放生吧 ! The sorrow of fish! It took 65 minutes to exhaust this giant swordfishs energy Please let go! Think about it if there was a fishhook stuck in your mouth and you were being tossed around Will it hurt? This fish is very likely to be your reincarnated relative or friend who has been dead for thousands of years. Stop hurting lives Please, please, let go! --------------- 逾3公尺「翹翅仔」現身高雄外海 釣客苦戰1小時!https://udn.com/news/story/7327/8334690 https://www.facebook.com/p/%E5%AD%AB%E7%A5%A5%E9%88%9E-100002953424958/?_rdr --------- 50漁船包圍基隆潮境海灣奇景、釣客狂釣 https://udn.com/news/story/7328/8298859?from=udn-referralnews_ch2artbottom ---------------- 殺戮嚴重影響了行星能量體的狀況 The killings seriously affected the condition of the planetary energy body https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/181155867 外星人全面大揭露勢在必行 我們身處在一個謊言世界 推論 ”事件” 會在 2100年12月31日之前發生 人類的終局命運 https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180836265?f_UA=pc ------------------- Full disclosure of aliens is imperative We live in a world of lies It is inferred that the "event" will be in Occurs before December 31, 2100 Humanitys final destiny https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180836265?f_UA=pc 戰爭的謊言 https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180682298?f_UA=pc 【解放地球】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/04/02/2012/ 【移除陰謀集團】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/05/02/0502/ 【新金融系統】金融重置 |
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