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2017/03/27 23:44:23瀏覽1401|回應0|推薦5 | |
甘迺迪總統少不經事,意氣風發,意氣用事,得罪不少執政黨及在野黨的幕後利益團體,由於日後扯上性感豔星,瑪麗蓮夢露,而遭受到它日的暗殺,重從此以後甘迺迪家族在美國政壇的地位及影響力就日漸式微,甘迺迪家族的子孫輩無法重振家風,反而是墮落不堪,最後弄得家破人亡,妻子改嫁當時希臘船王歐納希斯,美國從此再也無英雄出少年似般的甘迺迪人士.至於刺殺甘迺迪總統的真相至今也無結案? 似乎是無頭公案僅有歷史記載美國曾經有位約翰·費茲傑拉爾德·甘迺迪(英語:John Fitzgerald Kennedy,1917年5月29日-1963年11月22日),通常被稱作約翰·F·甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)、美國第35任總統,是美國頗具影響力的甘迺迪政治家族成員,被視為美國自由派的代表。 在第二次世界大戰期間,他擔任美軍軍官,曾在南太平洋英勇救助了落水海軍船員,因而獲頒紫心勳章,而後從政,1946年至1960年期間先後推任眾議員和參議員,1960年當選美國總統,成為美國首位,亦為唯一一位信奉羅馬天主教的總統,及美國第一位出生於20世紀的總統。任期從1961年1月20日開始直到1963年11月22日在德克薩斯州達拉斯市遇刺身亡為止,任內的主要事件包括:試圖廢除聯邦儲備委員會、豬灣入侵、古巴飛彈危機、柏林圍牆的建立、太空競賽、越南戰爭以及美國民權運動。
他在日記中寫道:「儘管希特勒現在受到眾人痛恨,但他將擺脫這種境況,成為有史以來最有影響的人物之一。」、「他擁有成為傳奇人物的特質」。 甘迺迪在日記中說,希特勒「為他的國家抱有無限的野心,這使他成為世界和平的威脅。但是,他的人生和他的死亡都有一種神秘感,這種神秘感不僅將持續下去,還會隨著時間增長。」 名 當甘迺迪說希特勒『擁有成為傳奇人物的特質』時,他指的是希特勒的神秘感,而不是他展示在全世界面前的邪惡。」、「在這本日記以至甘迺迪所有的文字中,沒有任何一處顯示他對納粹的罪惡和動機有所同情」? 甘迺迪家族乃是美國東部麻薩諸塞州名門望族,只如今家道中落,弄到要拍賣日記維生?甘迺迪以最年輕當選美國總統,涉入美國政壇,得罪不少政客及利益團體,在美國與蘇聯冷戰時期的國際間利害關係他是最拿手的玩家?
Article Name
President John F. Kennedy - Gentleman of Style
The life, death and style of one of the leading men in American politics - John F. Kennedy the 35th president of the USA.
Author.J.A. Shapira
On May 29, 1917, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born at his childhood home in Brookline, Massachusetts. Born to politician and businessman Joseph Kennedy, Sr and socialite Rose Fitzgerald-Kennedy, he was destined for greatness and succeeded in ensuring his place in the history books for generations to come. In this article we discuss his biography as well as his style. During a trip to Dallas, Texas in an effort to smooth relations between liberals Ralph Yarborough, Don Yarborough and John Connally, during the motorcade parade, Kennedy was shot three times at 12:30 pm CST on November 22, 1963. Riding in an open convertible beside his wife, the first shot hit him in the throat, the second in the upper back, with the fatal shot hitting him in the head. Kennedy was rushed to Parkland Hospital but pronounced dead at 1:00 pm at the young age of just 46. On November 25, 1963, a Requiem Mass was held for the late President at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. Following a Presidential procession, his body was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. The honor guard was the 37th Cadet Class of the Irish Army. JFK was so impressed by the cadets during his last official visit to Ireland, that his wife, Jackie Kennedy, personally requested they serve as the honor guard at his funeral.
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