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2017/01/18 23:44:30瀏覽1087|回應2|推薦4



Liaoning aircraft carrier China



 The Next Generation of China's Carrier-Borne Fighter, The Flying Shark, Takes to the Skies.



CVN20澤東號紀念毛主席革命建國成功.CVN21小平號紀念鄧小平同志改革開放成功至於CVN 001台灣號將在2035年建成用來攻打台灣進行統一大業對不對?


 Liaoning aircraft carrier China J-15 Fighter

中國艦載機發展電磁彈射? 美媒認為,由於採用了核動力,中國的003型航母將採用電磁彈射器;不過,在此之前的002型航母還只能使用蒸汽彈射技術。 

中國隱形戰機將很快上艦?《大眾科學》還預測,到2030年,J-15「飛鯊」戰機將衍生出更多型號,比如電子戰機型;同時,以J-20為代表的隱形戰機也將成為航母艦載機的一部分。氣動外形幾乎脫胎換骨:J-31新舊型號對比.西方軍事情報界人士認為中國早已進行J-20B.J-20C.J31-B.J-31C.等航空母艦的艦載機的研發與訓練作業.當然中國向第5代隱形戰鬥機的計劃是眾所周知的.西方軍事戰略家分析認為2020-2025 中國自製航空母艦002.型65000噸與85000 噸各一艘,常規動力航空母艦,尚無需要搭配隱形戰鬥機,因為水面艦隊與潛艦及北斗衛星通訊即時影像系統數據鏈,尚不能整合作業,因此即使2025年時期,


J-20B.J-20C.J-31B.J31C等型隱形戰鬥機皆已生產且服役,也要等到2030年時期中國首艘自製型核子動力航空母艦戰鬥群的完成,搭配電磁彈射系統的使用,才能完成海空一體的戰略與戰術使用,換句話說中國海軍在快速發展也要經過15年後,才可以追上美國海軍核子航空母艦戰鬥群的水平.因此西方戰略專家評估2020的環太平洋軍演,中國會派出002 航空母艦戰鬥群參加,實際上就是突破第2島鏈的控制,因為夏威夷的珍珠港已離美國西海岸也將近1000公里左右,對於中中國航空母艦的艦載機是小事一件不是嗎?


「china cv-18」的圖片搜尋結果

China J-15 carrier fighter

China's new aircraft carrier hints at the future of its navy.

The Liaoning carried at least three helicopters, eight fighters, three destroyers, two frigates, and a refueling ship.


Last month China reported that its aircraft carrier Liaoning was ready to start operational service. The country's navy provided proof on Christmas Day, sending out its first carrier battle group (CVBG) through the Miyako Straits, around Taiwan, and into the South China Sea, launching and recovering aircraft along the way.

The Liaoning carried at least three Z-18 helicopters and eight J-15 fighters, as well as two Type 052C (171) destroyers, one Type 052D destroyer, two Type 054A frigates (538, 556), a Type 903A refueling ship, and a Type 056 corvette.


USS Harry S. Truman alongside USNS John Lenthall.jpg



「cvn 78」的圖片搜尋結果





 「cvn 78」的圖片搜尋結果.

ith likely at least a squadron of J-15 fighters (eight on the deck, more likely below), the Liaoning has one of the most powerful non-American carrier aviation groups in the world.

Looking ahead to 2030, the next Chinese carrier will likely look very similar to the Liaoning CVBG, with updated destroyers and frigates that provide a more advanced layered defense and missile strike system. It will likely be accompanied by an arsenal of drones..

And then comes the nuclear-powered carriers of the Type 003 Chinese aircraft carrier. The Type 003 itself would likely have a displacement of around 90,000-100,000 tons and carry anywhere from between 70-100 helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, and have multiple aircraft elevators and a single island superstructure. With a nuclear-powered reactor, the Type 003 could reach speeds in excess of 30 knots. The reactors could also provide the power for electromagnetically assisted launch system (EMALS) catapults (the preceding conventional Type 002 carrier may use steam catapults). EMALS catapults have improved efficiency and are less maintenance intensive than steam .






The Boomer and Carrier .A Type 094 SSBN, seen to the left of the Liaoning's skiramp, accompanied the Liaoning on its maiden operational voyage. The massive combat power of the Liaoning CVBG would give it additional protection against other threats like submarines and ASW aircraft.

Depending on the CVBG mission profile, amphibious warfare ships like the Type 071 landing platform dock and landing helicopter docks be deployed to help disembark Chinese marines and air cavalry forces.

Years of operational experience are still needed to make the Liaoning, and the rest of the PLAN, ready for combat and other intensive carrier operations. But the PLA is now off to an important start with the Liaoning, and they have bigger plans for the future.




「cvn 76」的圖片搜尋結果


China future aircraft carrier catapult nuclear

The Future of Chinese Flattops

This fan art of the current and next five Chinese aircraft carriers is actually based off of models from an official PLAN exhibition in 2014. It shows the Liaoning, the under-construction CV-17, and the next four catapult-equipped aircraft carriers (conventionally powered CV-18 and CV-19, and nuclear powered CV-20 and CV-21). Needless to say, despite their official inspirations, future Chinese aircraft carriers could differ in many ways from these drawings.







( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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