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Bucovina 冬之旅
2017/01/03 17:39:16瀏覽344|回應0|推薦2

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布科維納羅馬尼亞語: Bucovina烏克蘭語Буковина/Bukovyna德語波蘭語: Bukowina)是東歐的一個地區,位於喀爾巴阡山脈德涅斯特河之間。現在這一地區由烏克蘭羅馬尼亞兩國統治。這一地區曾是摩爾達維亞公國的組成部分,後先後被鄂圖曼土耳其帝國奧匈帝國占領。第一次世界大戰後,布科維納全境被劃入羅馬尼亞境內。在第二次世界大戰中,北布科維納被蘇聯占領,成為今烏克蘭的一部分。


Bukovina (Romanian: Bucovina; Ukrainian: Буковина Bukovyna; Hungarian: Bukovina; German and Polish: Bukowina; see also other languages) is a historical region in Central Europe,[1][2] divided between Romania and Ukraine, located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians and the adjoining plains.

Historically part of Moldavia, the territory of what became known as Bukovina was, from 1774 to 1918, an administrative division of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Austrian Empire, and Austria-Hungary. After World War I, Romania established control over Bukovina. In 1940, the northern half of Bukovina was annexed by the Soviet Union, and nowadays is part of Ukraine.


 Bucovina is one of the most attractive and visited touristic areas in Romania. No wonder this area(famous today all over the world) was given in 1975 the Pomme d’Or international prize by The International Federation of Travel Writers and Tourism Journalists. The century-old architecture monuments together with the frescos from this country spot were listed by UNESCO among all the universal art monuments.


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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