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The Lancastrian
2013/02/23 21:21:38瀏覽24|回應0|推薦1

The second of West Coast Railways 'Lancastrian' specials saw Black Five No.44932 in charge of the train which runs a circular route from Preston via Hellifield and Blackburn before returning to the start point. In the video, the first scene shows class 86 No.86259 'Les Ross' at Bay Horse with the stock from Euston for the Railway Touring Companys 'Cumbrian Mountain Express', steam hauled from Carnforth by 60009 'Union of South Africa'.
44932 follows at the same location followed by scenes at Clapham Moor, where the heavy train is proving a taxing load for the loco, and then on the outskirts of Hellifield and finally at Pleasington (complete with a rather panicky zoom out from the cameraman!)

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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