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The Jacobite - Part 2 - Mallaig to Fort William .
2013/02/23 21:11:23瀏覽535|回應0|推薦1

This video includes scenes of 'the Jacobite' on the return journey between Mallaig and Fort Wiliam, filmed between 15th - 18th.July 2009. The train was hauled by Class Five 4-6-0, No.45231.
I notice that I have mispelled Loch Non Uamh, in the video it appears as Loch Non Uahm, my apologies to any Gaelic speaking viewers.
'The Sherwood Forester' and the music over the opening sequences is once again 'Steam Train To Mallaig' by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards'.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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