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I Put Spell On You .
2013/02/20 21:26:33瀏覽57|回應0|推薦1
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine.
I can't stand the things that you do.
No, no, no, I ain't lyin'. No.
I don't care if you don't want me
'Cause I'm yours, yours, yours anyhow.
Yeah, I'm yours, yours, yours.
I love you. I love you.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
I put a spell on you.
Lord! Lord! Lord!
....'Cause you're mine, yeah.
I can't stand the things that you do
When you're foolin' around.
I don't care if you don't want me.
'Cause I'm yours, yours, yours anyhow.
Yeah, yours, yours, yours!
I can't stand your foolin' around.
If I can't have you,
No one will!
I love you, you, you!
I love you. I love you. I love you!
I love you, you, you!
I don't care if you don't want me.
'Cause I'm yours, yours, yours anyhow

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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