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After you've gone .
2013/02/20 21:23:15瀏覽39|回應0|推薦1



now listen honey while i say
how can you fix your mind to say you're going away

don't say that we must part
don't break my aching heart
you know you love me
true for many years
love me night and day
can't you see my tears
how can you leave me
listen while i say

After you've gone and left me crying,
After you've gone there's no denying,
You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad,
You'll miss the greatest mama that you ever ever ever had.
There'll come a time, don't you forget it,
There'll come a time when you'll regret it.

Some day when you grow lonely,
Your heart will break like mine and you'll want me only,
After you've gone, after you've gone away

After you've gone and left me crying,
After you've gone there's no denying,
You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad,
You'll miss the greatest pal you ever had.
There'll come a time, don't you forget it,
There'll come a time when you'll regret it.

Some day when you grow lonely,
Your heart will break like mine and you'll want me only,
After you've gone, after you've gone away
Oh yeah
After you've gone, after you've gone away


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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