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試譯---弘一大師「送別」 老姜
2018/08/07 16:50:01瀏覽866|回應0|推薦24

長亭外古道邊,芳草碧連天; 晚風拂柳笛聲殘,夕陽山外山。 天之涯、海之角知友半零落; 人生難得是歡聚,唯有別離多。 問君何時還,來時莫排徊 天之涯海之角, 知友半零落; 一瓢濁酒盡餘歡,今宵別夢寒。 弘一大師李叔同1880- 1942 Hóngyī dàshī lǐshūtóng 1880- 1942

The pavilion outside the ancient path ,grass extend the sky;

The evening wind breeze willow the pitch of the flute lowness , and the sunset outside hills 。

the end of sky the coner of sea, half of my close friends pass over .

meeting together so happy in life but the separated indeed too often

Ask you when you come back ?,never linking too much .

The end of sky the corner of sea, half of my close friends pass over ;

A scoop of wine is full of joy, this is not a dream. 姜興周譯2018/8/7

    Hongyi Master Li Shutong 1880-1942

( 時事評論政治 )
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