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Gilbert O'Sullivan - Christmas song
2007/12/13 18:18:27瀏覽301|回應0|推薦1

Gilbert O'Sullivan - Christmas song - Christmas songs - Bob Mounzer
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
All I'm dreaming of the whole day long
Is a peaceful world

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year
To those of you who live in fear
And let us hope that very soon
The peace you seek will then resume

I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
All I'm dreaming of the whole day long
Is a peaceful peaceful world

(I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
All I'm dreaming of the whole day long
Is a peaceful world)

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year
To those of you who live in fear
And let us hope that very soon
The peace you seek will then resume

I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas
All I'm dreaming of the whole day long
Is a peaceful peaceful world



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