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In The Name Of The Father:God Be with You--歌詞
2007/12/13 16:47:05瀏覽424|回應0|推薦1

The truth will ever hide
Even though I tried
They tried to take my pride
But they only took my father from me
They only took my father
Even though I cried
Even though I tried again

God be with you Ireland
God be with you Ireland

Sometimes I was afraid
Even though I prayed
I've lost my religion now
You took that too somehow
Blood upon thy hands
Blood upon thy hands again

(I have served my time)
God be with you Ireland
(Suffered for my crime)
God be with you Ireland

(I have served my time)
God be with you Ireland
(Suffered for my crime)
God be with you Ireland

God be with you now
God be with you now
God be with you now
God be with you now

( 興趣嗜好收藏 )
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