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"Delusion Angel" from movie"Before Sunrise"
2007/06/19 13:55:00瀏覽508|回應0|推薦3

Daydream delusion

Limousine eyelash

Oh, baby, with your pretty face

Drop a tear in my wineglass

Look at those big eyes

See what you mean to me

Sweet cakes with milkshakes

I'm a delusion angel

I'm a fatasy parade

I want you to know what I think

Don't want you to guess anymore

You have no idea where I came from

We have no idea where we are going

Lodged in life, like branches in the river

Flowing downstream caught in the current

I carry you, you'll carry me

That's how it could be

Don't you know me?

Don't you know me by now?           ....Written by David Jewell

( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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