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蘇珊 Susan Boyle 教的人生課
2009/04/18 13:46:50瀏覽588|回應0|推薦5

以下" "內文字引用自 搶看英國大嬸 網路飆破2000萬人次

Lesson 1: 正向思考
"Modern society is too quick to judge people on their appearances. There is not much you can do about it; it is the way they think; it is the way they are. But maybe this could teach them a lesson, or set an example." – Susan Boyle

Lesson 2: 生活可以很簡單

47歲的蘇珊 Susan Boyle "來自蘇格蘭中南部小鎮,從小喜歡唱歌,但好歌喉只在教會和卡拉OK發揮"


Lesson 3: 瞭解自己、有自信


Lesson 4: 有夢想

"在節目中曾表示夢想成為音樂劇傳奇名伶伊蓮‧佩姬(Elaine Paige)。"


Lesson 5: 行動,永遠不嫌晚

I dreamed a dream by Susan Boyle  (中文字幕版)

Lesson 6: 沒什麼不可能  


( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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