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2010/03/10 20:19:03瀏覽498|回應0|推薦11 | |
◤每本新書都像新情人 每一次的邂遘 每一次的分離 同樣刻骨銘心 每次都會以為 這就是全部的 最後的激情了 但似乎從來不會這樣 妳可以把愛情當宗教 可是每一次閱讀 都把妳帶得更遠 每一本書都想佔據妳 每次都是愛戀與擺脫 讀時它就是全部 讀完再找下一本 沒完沒了 永無盡頭 愛情和宗教都是一種執著 它們的終極真理卻是捨去 閱讀也可以說是一種執著 又同時也是是執著的抗體 若要走入宗教 根本不需要書 不需要文字 正如走入愛 不需要言語 只要放開心 文字和語言 是理解和溝通的工具 同時也是所有誤解和 悖離以及矛盾的起因 閱讀也好愛與宗教 都需要共鳴與包容 每一本書都相排斥 又彼此印證而相成 所有的藝術也如此 我們是旁觀者但是 我們也會投入過深 因為我們會用所有 實質或虛擬的經驗 去模擬與參與其中 像演員般入戲沉淪 條條路都通到同一個地方 不斷的找書讀 是不想被書困住 惑於書不如無書 愛與宗教亦若是 需要寬大的心胸 閱讀的功能在此 謝謝,妳這句話剛好拿來作為本文的標題^^ "每本新書都像新情人" 每本新書都像新情人 新情人呢是老歌新唱 寫完了˙ 我想了很久 每一本書都是 [那本大書]的 一頁或一個章節 一個映照 一句讚嘆 一聲嘆息 或只是個影子 甚至只是個標點 [那本大書]呢 該就是嗜書人的 聖經與宗教了吧 一個寬廣浩瀚的 只能遠觀的天堂... 那兒的天空 飛行著 自由的靈魂 I'm taking my ride with destiny Willing to play my part Living with painful memories Loving with all my heart Made in heaven, made in heaven It was all ment to be, yeah Made in heaven, made in heaven That's what they say Can't you see Oh I know, I know, I know that it's true Yes it's really ment to be Deep in my heart I'm having to learn to pay the price They're turning me upside down Waiting for possibilities Don't see too many around Made in heaven, made in heaven It's for all to see Made in heaven, made in heaven That's what everybody says Everybody says to me It was really ment to be Yeah, yeah When stormy weather comes around It was made in heaven When sunny skies break through behin the clouds I wish it could last forever, yeah Wish it could last forever, forever I'm playing my role in history Looking to find my goal Taking in all this misery But giving in all my soul Made in heaven, made in heaven It was all ment to be, yeah Made in heaven, made in heaven That's what everybody says Wait and see, it was really ment to be So plain to see Yeah, everybody, everybody, everybody tells me so Yes it was plain to see, yes it was ment to be Written in the stars... Written in the stars... |
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