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2009/06/17 00:06:16瀏覽827|回應1|推薦2 | |
當了媽媽之後,童書/繪本成了我的雷達搜尋範圍,只要聽到看到有好書介紹,就巴不得一探究竟,並以此為樂。 那日無意間在等哥哥下課的空檔,超市書報攤的雜誌翻完了,撇見這本可愛的繪本,一系列以孩子的情緒為主題 (Loved,Jealous,Kind,Lonely,Sad,Angry,Scared,Happy),文辭簡易,溫馨,正面,而圖畫單純可愛,應該是會得到寶貝們的青睞。 從 When I'm feeling Angry 開始(因為最容易解讀,也最常發生 >_<),哥哥反應很正面,大概因為說的內容對一個三歲半的孩子,需要人協助如何認識自己的情緒和如何排解他們,程度剛剛好。 今天唸 "When I'm Feeling Loved",文詞很感動人,哥哥也一再要求要繼續唸(感動哪,也還好今天為娘的體力不錯)。聽聽看~~ by Trace Moroney / The Five Mile Press When I'm feeling loved,I feel like I could grow wings and fly high up in the sky amongst the stars. When I'm feeling loved, I feel warm and safe and protected... like being wrapped up in clouds of cotton wool. Feeling loved makes me feel SPECIAL. Some things that make me feel loved are... when a friend puts their arm around me and says "Thank you for being a good friend".. or, when my dog Poppy licks my face.. Feeling loved makes me feel strong.. so when something difficult happens I feel more confident to tr to work it out by myself. When I'm feeling loved I feel more happy and more confident with the person that I am. Being loved teaches me how to love others.. and myself. Love is so easy to share! I LOVE being loved! Do you? --------------------------------------------- |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |