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Make It With You 《與你長相廝守》 - Bread ☆☆
2010/03/13 06:03:27瀏覽2077|回應0|推薦2


我非常喜歡古典揺滾音樂(Classic Rock),偏重於軟揺滾(Soft Rock),民謡搖滾(Folk Rock)更是我專注的重心。如果曲子好聽,我可以接受硬揺滾(Hard Rock),但是絕對排斥重金屬(Heavy Metal)。




有一個美國同事曾經送我一捲Judas Priest錄音帶,久聞大名,我心理有準備的先把音量關了,果然不錯,一開始音量指針直接跳到頂,就停在那裏不動了,A面放完五秒鐘後,它就進了垃圾桶, adi ó s! ( 西班牙語 – 再見 )


我欣賞的十大樂團之一的Bread是美國加州洛杉磯的(軟)揺滾樂團,在1969年由David Gates(主唱)、Jimmy Griffin吉他、Robb Royer(貝斯)、Mike Botts(鼓)、Larry Knechtel (取代Robb Royer ) 組成。

才華洋溢的主唱David Gates精通多樣樂器,吉他、貝斯、鍵盤、小提琴、中提琴、打撃樂器。、合音Jimmy Griffin亦會三種(吉他、鍵盤、打撃樂器)。Robb Royer 和David 一樣全才,以長笛代替David的小提琴,Mike Botts是鼓手,Larry Knechtel 後來替代了Robb Royer的位置。



Have you ever tried,really reaching out for the other side?



【歌曲】Bread Make It With You Lyrics

【歌曲】David Gates of Bread - "Make it With You" Live - Music Video with Lyrics

【歌曲】Bread - Make it with you (lyrics) HD


INTRO: EM7-F#m7/E;(2X)

EM7 F#m7/E
Hey, have you ever tried
EM7 B7sus
Really reaching out for the other side
A G#m
I may be climbing on rainbows
F#m7/E B7sus
But baby, here goes
EM7 F#m7/E
Dreams, they're for those who sleep
EM7 B7sus
Life is for us to keep
And if you're wond'ring what
G#m C#sus-C# B7sus break
this all is leading to
I wanna make it with you,
B7sus EM7 A-G#m-F#m-B7sus
i really think that we could make it girl

EM7 F#m7/E
No you dont know me well
EM7 B7sus
Every little thing only time will tell
A G#m
But you believe the things that i do
F#m B7sus-B7
and we'll see it through.

EM7 F#m7/E
Life can be short or long
EM7 B7sus
Love can be right or wrong,
A G#m C#sus-C#
And if i chose the one i'd like to help me through
B7 sus EM7
I'd like to make it with you,
B7sus EM7 B7sus
I really think that we could make it girl.

ADLIB: EM7-B7sus-;(3X)

Baby you know that....
EM7 B7sus
Dreams, they're for those who sleep
EM7 B7sus
Life is for us to keep
A G#m C#sus-C#
And if i chose the I'd like to help me through
B7sus pause EM7
I'd like to make it with you.

CODA: fade
B7sus EM7 B7sus-EM7
I really think that we could make it, girl....


( 休閒生活音樂 )

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