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2010/12/23 20:05:48瀏覽5095|回應0|推薦0 | |
2010 年的時代雜誌內,選了十大有趣的發明及荒謬的新聞,其中排名第六的就是 1928 年查理卓別林的黑白默片裡面,居然有位婦人拿著類似手機的東西在講話〈上圖〉,稱為〈卓別林的婦人手機〉。 卓別林的影迷在 80 多年後,有了驚人的發現: 《大馬戲團》默片拍下一位女仕拿著手機講話,那是 1928 年由電影大師查爾斯卓別林主演,那年代連一般電話也未普及,更不可能出現手機。 英國導演喬治克拉克在自己珍藏的卓別林影片中,無意中發現了這個奇怪的鏡頭,並放給 100 多名觀眾看,有人懷疑她是拿著收音機在聽,但那時礦石收音機還未發明。 到了 1940 年代近 50 年才有手機的概念,也可能是拿著手帕或是甚他東西想遮住臉,更有人說這女仕就是時空旅行者。 另外有一位義大利 Ernetti 依尼提神父,發明了一個時光機器,像拍照一樣,可以拍到過去跟未來的影像,引起很多人的好奇,是真是假各執一詞。 依尼提神父從 1925~1994 年期間作神父,他是作家、語言學家、量子物理學家。 一個由 12 位科學家組成的團隊,建立了一個 窺時機 Chronovisor 。 其中一位叫費米 (義大利人於 1954 年就去世了),1953~1972 年發現出來,會不會依尼提神父找費米談過這個計劃,我們不知,但很有可能。 依尼提神父在梵帝崗發明了一部窺時機 Chronovisor,1975年 5 月 2 日拍下耶穌受難的照片。 另一位律師及作家 Andrew D. Basiago,49 歲,出生於 1961年,美國人,他 9 歲時 1970 年, 參與美國 DARPPA 的計劃,親身回到過去,同時拍下照片,小孩還穿著大人的鞋子,是在 1863 年,林肯總統於蓋茲堡演講時拍下的。 這與義大利神父的不同,他只是能回到過去拍照。 這就是 DAPPA 執行 PROJECT PEGASUS 飛馬計劃,地點是蓋茲堡,他利用 Telport 時光機把小孩送進去,不能送成年人進去。〈下圖〉內中有很多技術因素,有紐約時報的記者特別問了負責人,回答是原因很多: 第一、小孩單純, 第二、是那機器窺時機很小,成年人鑽不進去。 所以他 9 歲時被人放進去,他分解量子力學各方面都很單純,比較容易,那機器叫 Time-space。 這位 Andrew D. Basiago 帕西哥博士,火星計劃創始人,白馬計劃隊長,他的論文: 〈在火星上發現生命〉證明火星是有人居住的星球,他是法理學博士、執業律師及作家,有自己的網站。 因他到過去時間裡去,也到過火星,他說火星很適合人類居住。 Web Bot Project 這個網站專門講美國的預言學,有兩件事情預測成真,第一件事是 911 紐約世貿雙子星大爆炸;第二件事,預測到 2000 年紐約大停電。 他的話都講得有憑有據,他把美國這秘密計劃也公布出來了。 Andrew D. Basiago帕西哥博士畢業於劍橋,因他是律師,也提到會出一本書《飛馬計劃 PROJECT PEGASUS》。 Andrews comments on it. Quote: "I am the boy standing in the foreground of the image at center-left, looking to his right. My shoes were lost in the transit through the quantum plenum that took me from the plasma confinement chamber at the time lab in East Hanover, NJ in 1972 to Gettysburg, PA on the day that Abraham Lincoln gave his famous address there in 1863. When I walked into downtown Gettysburg, where the shops were, after walking into town along the north-south arterial that led into Gettysburg, a cobbler by the name of John Lawrence Burns accosted me and took me inside a millinery shop and furnished me with a pair of men's street shoes and a Union winter parka that he took from a stack of military clothing in a storeroom at the back of the shop. In this image, one can see how over-sized the shoes were. I can confirm that this image was taken right after President Lincoln arrived on the dais, because when I walked over to this location and stood in this manner to detract attention from my shoes, I had been standing over by the dais, and Lincoln had not yet arrived, and I only stood in this position for several minutes before the quantum field effect produced by the plasma confinement chamber ended and I found myself back in the time lab in NJ." "To my knowledge, this was the only photograph that was taken in a past or future time when I was time traveling for DARPA's Project Pegasus. I think another breakthrough will come in the form of accounts from residents of Santa Fe about children suddenly appearing at the state capitol complex there in the early 1970's. Our arrivals were sometimes witnessed. Several of my own arrivals were witnessed. I have spoken with area residents who knew that individuals were teleporting into Santa Fe in the early 1970's. Some of that knowledge resulted from the arrival of teleportees, including myself, being seen by others; other knowledge resulted from the fact that employees of LANL were bringing stories about the teleportation that was going on home from work and sharing them with their children around the dinner table in Los Alamos and White Rock." "The fact that the child seen in the foreground is me was confirmed while I was still serving as a child on Project Pegasus. I would urge you to not let your reactionary skepticism prevent you from learning of the true nature of things. Remember, all of the advances that fall between what the public has been told the United States government has achieved and what it has actually achieved but kept secret are concealed via official state secrecy." |
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