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2013/01/15 10:07

3D 圖片標籤雲

2013/01/09 23:17

ez祝福各位朋友 : 鴻運當頭,精神抖擞; 關係熟透,事業高就; 名利到手,彩獎不漏; 财神保佑,收入豐厚!

2012/11/24 11:07

2012/09/13 20:08

2012/08/15 22:54

my god!終於po完,結果共分成四段..要麻煩你從下往上看..如果你沒那麼多時間,我了解


2012/08/15 22:51
And I won't neglect the truth that your country keeps on developing and manufacturing weaponry for getting benefit. Of course we can say a lot of countries are doing that, but the purpose should be mostly for protecting themselves rather than getting benefit by provoking the War! If any country doing the latter, I will say "she" is the "Devil." We shouldn't deal with devil but should try our best to avoid Cruel War and keep the world In Peace. For me, living in peace is much more important than getting benefit. I'm going to spread this idea to everybody I know. As my families and my country had suffered so much in the past, right now I do feel sorry for Syrians as they are suffering in the civil war for so long! I'm glad that China was giving her opposite view against the opinions of the other UN members: {interfere into it by armed force} and kept empasizing the {Peace Talk} between the opposit sides. Anyway, I do feel that It is ironic that: {People are seeking Peace by starting the War and killing people!!} The World War I and II are just enough!! Busta!! From now on, "The Peace of the World should be our goal!" I will keep on working on convincing people that Peace is the most important value to human beings. Because with Peace, no one would be hurt but be protected instead. Hope I didn't offend you as I have told you my feeling toward your country. I do believe that there are a lot of Americans who are righteous, kind, friendly and generous. I believe you are one of them.:0) best regards,

2012/08/15 22:50
What does she think she is doing??  Playing the role of God??  Trying to be the King of the world??  Why donesn't she mind her own business, as there are a lot of problem in her own land? 


I can't help to say:{ shame on America!!}, mostly for her attemption to involve into the Mideast and Southeast countries' affair. 



2012/08/15 22:48
Recently, I am paying most of my attention to the conflict of "Pinnacle Islands" between China, Taiwan, hongkong and Japan. And as I noticed for a long time that Obama Government keeps on allying the countries around "Southeast islands" for military maneuvers in this area. And USA even annunced that they are coming back for the leadership to Aisa. Obviously these actions are aimed to China who is getting more and more strong. But I don't understand why USA is frightened about that so much? In my opinion, by these military maneuvers, USA is stating that she will always be side by side with those countries and supporting them with her military aid. I can tell that it really works as some of those countries, mostly the weaker ones as Vietnam, Philipine, were behaved very tough whenever the conflicts between them and China were getting into a tensive situation. Not to mention that USA Already expressed publically that she is going to interfere the conflict of "Pinnacle Islands" if it is necessary.

2012/08/15 22:47



hi!!  Just let me know if you are planning to KL with Rashimi. 
Know what I'm doing??  I'm trying to collect every fact and article about the invasion of Japan Army to Southeast Nations during World War II.  
Do you know what's the date today??  August 15, 67th years' anniversary of Japan's surrender. 
Remember the sad story I told you about my family??  It's more or less in connection with the Japan's invasion.   I live in KL for almost 5 years already, I learned a lot of the same pitiful stories in Malaysia and other Asian countries too.
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