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Cross Standing On Mars Near Fallen Roof Of Temple, Feb 29, 2016, Photos
2016/03/07 14:16:39瀏覽182|回應0|推薦0
Cross Standing On Mars Near Fallen Roof Of Temple, Feb 29, 2016, Photos

Cross Standing On Mars Near Fallen Roof Of Temple, Feb 29, 2016, Photos

Date of discovery: February 2016

Location of discovery: Mars

NASA Photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=0508MR2000030000E1_DXXX&s=508

News source: http://ovniparanormal.over-blog.com/2016/02/apres-le-pistolet-maintenant-la-croix-des-martiens.html

This is a very unusual find and probably a significant discovery for some readers here that are religious. A cross was discovered on Mars by Christian Mace in France. The cross is sitting on the other side of the rock hill, so the bottom portion of it is not visible, but if the rover took the photo from the others side, I would be big money that this is a full size cross. Near the cross there is the ledges of a beautifully carved roof that has since caved in. It has archways carved in its top and three thin layered sections. Cool Discovery by Christian, and please visit his French UFO site by clicking here. 

Scott C. Waring


Cross Standing On Mars Near Fallen Roof Of Temple, Feb 29, 2016, Photos

Cross Standing On Mars Near Fallen Roof Of Temple, Feb 29, 2016, Photos

Cross Standing On Mars Near Fallen Roof Of Temple, Feb 29, 2016, Photos
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