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Lemon Cheese & Lemon Tree
2010/10/04 21:20:06瀏覽851|回應2|推薦34

 長髮清麗小女孩點的是培根奶油焗烤飯, 好吃嗎? 我問, 正在仔細品嚐來不及回答我, 只能猛點頭; 微笑地看她吃得津津有味, 你要不要吃一點? 小女孩溫柔有禮貌地問, 試一小匙... 真可口! 下次我要點這個!  暗自決定...
 竟然可以將份量不小的培根奶油焗飯吃得剩下一口! 小女孩仍然對我的甜點"檸檬芝士"很有興趣, 一起吃吧! 我邀請她, 女孩一面用軟軟的童音說: 好好吃喔! 一面溫柔有禮貌的將最後一塊讓給我, 輕撫著她細緻柔順的長髮, 都給妳... 教會的小孩真有天國的樣式!

 酸甜的 Lemon Cheese, 細細檸檬皮在綿密的口感之餘, 多了點嚼勁; 餐廳的音樂正撥放一首60年代 Peter, Paul & Mary  的經典民歌: Lemon Tree

When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me,
當我還只十歲的時候 父親對我說   
Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree.
Don't put your faith in love, my boy," my father said to me,     
可別相信愛情 孩子 父親說

I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree.      

Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet,      
檸檬樹很漂亮 檸檬花很美麗
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.     
Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet,      
檸檬樹很漂亮 檸檬花很美麗
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.      

 Lemon Cheese 檸檬芝士酸甜, 微鹹帶嚼勁的口感, 恰似 Peter Paul & Mary 和諧的三重唱; 望著長髮清麗的小女孩, 我輕輕地哼唱: Lemon Tree very pretty, lemon Cheese is so sweet, though the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat... 

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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PPM's recording of Lemon tree...
2010/10/07 23:45

Giggly Fish (the cutest name on udn)… You are right that the PPM’s recording of Lemon tree is not available on YouTube, because of some MGM agreement (?).  The link below was recorded years after they ended their career.  It has a short segment of Lemon Tree (around the middle of the clip)...  As I was reading the response/comments of that posting, I came to realize that Mary had passed away because of health problems (how sad!)…    

Good wishes, always.


GigglyFish(gigglytail) 於 2010-10-10 18:40 回覆:

Like many folk song singer, Peter Paul & Mary got many nice record, the famous one is "Puff the magic dragon", for others like: where have all the flowers gone? Leaving on a jet plane...etc. though they are not the original singer, but still got their own style.

Many antiwar singer, band or group in the States;  as far as I know, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and maybe Paul Simon and others like U2... how interesting!

meu limão, meu limoeiro
2010/10/07 12:07
偶然間逛進來, 很高興看到了新文章. It’s as sweet and vivid as ever…

不曉得妳知不知道Lemon tree 這首歌的曲調, 來自於巴西民謠 meu limão, meu limoeiro (意思是my lemon, my lemon tree). 巴西原版的歌有不同的味道 (可惜不懂Portuguese, 不知道歌詞的意思) …

GigglyFish(gigglytail) 於 2010-10-07 21:01 回覆:

Hello! Scholar, nice to hearing from you again.

I didn't know the original music come from Brazil or anywhere else. Thanks for telling.

This piece was written for months already, just could not find a proper film from YouTube.

I prefer the version sang by Peter Paul & Mary.