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2009/06/21 22:17:43瀏覽1148|回應3|推薦3 | |
北一女1970級忠班和公班旅美同學, 6月20日在郭企家聚會,討論2010年9月24-27日在美國舊金山舉行的畢業40年重聚會籌備事宜. 與會者對郭企讚不絕口,因為她準備了豐盛的食物,大家興奮的談天說地,話題永遠沒完. 會後,龔淑芳快手快腳,傳來照片, 王漱蓉和郭企也馬上有回應,哈,這些熟女仿彿回到高中生時代,做事快速有效率,而且凝聚力超強,看來,明年在舊金山的重聚會,精采可期. 貼一段郭企的來信: Joanne did beat me this time, attached please see the pix from my camera. Flora, can you identify each of us? please add Chinese name to it if you can..thanks... I had a great time spending with you all today, is it a blessing that we could chat all the time after all these years later? last but not the least - still get things done? we are amazing, aren't we... I promise we'll have different goodies next time. Chi 郭企出考題,要我填上影中人的姓名,等我先把答案寄給她核閱後再貼上網,這裏先讓大家試著認認看. 歡迎把認出的人名字寫在回應上.
( 休閒生活|雜記 ) |