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2008/09/11 01:47:08瀏覽1082|回應0|推薦0 | |
前幾天發現一個網站,可以把問題貼上去請教網友,我就上去註了冊. 今天看到外電報導,歐巴馬用了一個名詞批評馬侃陣營,但我搞不懂它是什麼意思,以及為何要用這個名詞,便試著到那個網站去提出問題.如下: Obama accused John McCain's campaign of engaging in "lies" and "swift boat politics”. What is the meaning of swift boat? 想不到7分鐘後就有網友提出答案,如下:
It is a relatively new term, roughly the equivalent of "smear campaign politics." 我上到這個維基網址去看,它把來龍去脈寫得很清楚.原來跟2004年民主黨總統候選人凱瑞被抹黑有關. 凱瑞在越戰期間曾擔任一艘 Swift Boat 的艦長,這是這名詞的由來. 過了六分鐘,又有一名網友提出答案,如下,解釋得更清楚了: To understand the noun form, used attributively in your context, and the verb phrase "to swift boat", you need a little historical background. The candidates in the U.S. 2004 presidential election included Senator John Kerry. Kerry had commanded a craft known informally as a swift boat during the Vietnam War. A group of political opponents, with support from Republican Party financiers and political operatives, aired some television announcements condemning Sen. Kerry. They made a number of scurrilous, and unsubstantiated accusations against that candidate. The effects on his campaign are difficult to determine precisely, but they were certainly not positive. |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |