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什麼是 Swift Boat Politics
2008/09/11 01:47:08瀏覽1082|回應0|推薦0



Obama accused John McCain's campaign of engaging in "lies" and "swift boat politics”. What is the meaning of swift boat?



It is a relatively new term, roughly the equivalent of "smear campaign politics."
For more information, here is a Wikipedia article on the origin and meaning of the term:

我上到這個維基網址去看,它把來龍去脈寫得很清楚.原來跟2004年民主黨總統候選人凱瑞被抹黑有關. 凱瑞在越戰期間曾擔任一艘 Swift Boat 的艦長,這是這名詞的由來.


To understand the noun form, used attributively in your context, and the verb phrase "to swift boat", you need a little historical background. The candidates in the U.S. 2004 presidential election included Senator John Kerry. Kerry had commanded a craft known informally as a swift boat during the Vietnam War. A group of political opponents, with support from Republican Party financiers and political operatives, aired some television announcements condemning Sen. Kerry. They made a number of scurrilous, and unsubstantiated accusations against that candidate. The effects on his campaign are difficult to determine precisely, but they were certainly not positive.

Because the accusations were highly questionable, and in some cases outright falsehoods and fabrications, even political opponents of Kerry such as Senator John McCain (now a presidential candidate himself) condemned them. McCain called the attacks on Kerry, "... dishonest and dishonorable. I think it is very, very wrong."

Thus swift boat politics has come to mean a campaign of falsehoods and attacks designed to dishonor and smear a candidate for political office. Swift boating means to engage in such acts of character assassination.

( 時事評論政治 )
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