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Joseph Pine - 什麼是顧客真正想要的?
2012/05/21 10:31:22瀏覽813|回應0|推薦1

Joseph Pine - 什麼是顧客真正想要的?
Joseph Pine on what consumers want

顧客想要體會到他們買的是貨真價實的,但是《大量客製化》的作者Joseph Pine要賣可靠的東西是很困難的,因為根本沒有那樣的東西。他提供一些人造的,卻創造百萬商機的例子。
Customers want to feel what they buy is authentic, but "Mass Customization" author Joseph Pine says selling authenticity is tough because, well, there's no such thing. He talks about a few experiences that may be artificial but make millions anyway.

Translated into Chinese (Traditional) by Dxm Online大小媒體 http://tinyurl.com/3os66y2
Reviewed by Wang-Ju Tsai http://tinyurl.com/3ggh8v3
Bilingual Transcript Structured by archyaloha http://gplus.to/archyaloha

Original Video

00:21 農業經濟 Agrarian economy
00:42 工業經濟 Industrial Economy
01:12 服務經濟 Service Economy -- 客製化 Customization
01:38 體驗經濟 Experience Economy
02:25 體驗的代表性例子
03:02 真實 vs. 虛假 Real vs. Fake
05:29 體驗經濟的核心關鍵 -- 呈現真實性 Rendering Authenticity
06:06 真實性的迷思 Myth of Authenticity
06:42 忠於自我 Be True to Yourself
07:32 呈現真實性時的各種狀況 Circumstances while Rendering Authenticity
08:31 不同類型的假 Different Kinds of Fake
09:12 真的假 -- 環球影城商店街 Real Fake -- Universal City Walk
09:53 假的真 --迪士尼世界 Fake Real -- Disneyland
10:55 了解自己的傳統 -- ABC電視網 Be True to Your Heritage -- ABC Network
11:41 被欺騙的落差感 Phony
12:12 廣告無法傳遞體驗感受 Experience Does What Advertise Can't Do
12:36 體驗所創造的經濟價值差異 Economic Value Created by Experience
13:34 總結 Summary

( 知識學習商業管理 )
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