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10.4.1 對抗惡意碼的控制措施 網路安全的威脅與攻擊的模式 10.4.1 對抗惡意碼的控制措施
10.4.1 Controls against malicious code 控制 宜實作防範惡意碼的偵測、預防、及復原控制措施與適當之使用者認知程序。 Control Detection, prevention, and recovery controls to protect against malicious code and appropriate user awareness procedures should be implemented. 實作指引 惡意碼的防範措施宜以惡意碼偵測、安全認知、及適當的系統存取和變更管理控制措施為基礎。宜考慮下列控制措施: Implementation guidance Protection against malicious code should be based on malicious code detection and repair software, security awareness, and appropriate system access and change management controls. The following guidance should be considered: a) 制定正式政策禁止使用未經授權的軟體(參閱15.1.2節); a) establishing a formal policy prohibiting the use of unauthorized software (see 15.1.2); b) 制定正式政策以防範從外部網路或在任何其他儲存媒體上取得檔案和軟體的相關風險,並規定宜採何種防護措施; b) establishing a formal policy to protect against risks associated with obtaining files and software either from or via external networks, or on any other medium, indicating what protective measures should be taken; c) 支援重要營運程序的系統軟體與資料內容宜執行定期檢查,若出現任何未核准的檔案或未授權的修改,宜正式調查; c) conducting regular reviews of the software and data content of systems supporting critical business processes; the presence of any unapproved files or unauthorized amendments should be formally investigated; d) 安裝並定期更新惡意碼偵測與修復軟體,以便掃瞄電腦和儲存媒體,當作預防控制措施或例行作業;執行的核對宜包括: d) installation and regular update of malicious code detection and repair software to scan computers and media as a precautionary control, or on a routine basis; the checks carried out should include: 1) 在使用電子或光學媒體上的任何檔案,以及網路上收到的檔案之前,先檢查有無惡意碼; 1) checking any files on electronic or optical media, and files received over networks, for malicious code before use; 2) 使用電子郵件附件和下載檔案前,先檢查有無惡意碼;檢查宜在不同地方執行,例如在電子郵件伺服器、桌上型電腦及進入組織網路時; 2) checking electronic mail attachments and downloads for malicious code before use; this check should be carried out at different places, e.g. at electronic mail servers, desk top computers and when entering the network of the organization; 3) 在網頁上檢查有無惡意碼; 3) checking web pages for malicious code; e) 定義處理系統上惡意碼的管理程序與責任,訓練如何使用這些程序,惡意碼攻擊之通報以及復原工作(參閱13.1節和13.2節); e) defining management procedures and responsibilities to deal with malicious code protection on systems, training in their use, reporting and recovering from malicious code attacks (see 13.1 and 13.2); f) 準備遭惡意碼攻擊後復原的適切營運持續計畫,包括所有必要的資料軟體備份及復原安排(參閱第14節); f) preparing appropriate business continuity plans for recovering from malicious code attacks, including all necessary data and software back-up and recovery arrangements (see clause 14); g) 實作定期收集資料的程序,例如訂閱提供新惡意碼資訊的郵寄清單,核對提供新惡意碼資訊的網站; g) implementing procedures to regularly collect information, such as subscribing to mailing lists and/or checking web sites giving information about new malicious code; h)實作驗證所有與惡意碼相關資訊的程序,以及確保警示公告(warning bulletins)正確有用,管理階層應確保使用合格來源(例如知名的雜誌、可靠的網際網路站台或防範惡意碼的軟體供應商)的資訊,以區分惡作劇和真正的惡意碼;宜讓所有使用者認知惡作劇的問題,以及收到時如何處理。 h) implementing procedures to verify information relating to malicious code, and ensure that warning bulletins are accurate and informative; managers should ensure that qualified sources, e.g. reputable journals, reliable Internet sites or suppliers producing software protecting against malicious code, are used to differentiate between hoaxes and real malicious code; all users should be made aware of the problem of hoaxes and what to do on receipt of them. 其它資訊 在整個資訊處理環境使用來自不同供應商的兩種或更多的防範惡意碼軟體產品,能改進惡意碼防護的有效性。 Other information The use of two or more software products protecting against malicious code across the information processing environment from different vendors can improve the effectiveness of malicious code protection. 防範惡意碼的軟體能預先安裝以提供自動更新定義檔和掃瞄引擎,確保防護為最新。此外,軟體能安裝在每一桌上電腦以執行自動檢查。 Software to protect against malicious code can be installed to provide automatic updates of definition files and scanning engines to ensure the protection is up to date. In addition, this software can be installed on every desktop to carry out automatic checks. 維護和緊急過程中宜小心防範惡意碼的導入,其過程可能跳過正常的惡意碼防護控制措施。 Care should be taken to protect against the introduction of malicious code during maintenance and emergency procedures, which may bypass normal malicious code protection controls.
( 知識學習|商業管理 ) |