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2012/01/15 17:53:12瀏覽331|回應0|推薦0 | |
戰爭片嗎?不盡然。更多是戰爭對人類心智的影響。 太陽帝國 (EMPIRE OF THE SUN) 導演:
(1987)斯皮爾伯格電影之一,根據J·G·巴拉德的小 說改編,影片在向我們講述一個英國少年在二戰日占區的種種經歷的同時,也向觀眾表達了一種對和平嚮往和追求的過程。 another critics(source) It’s 1941 and the Japanese have invaded Shanghai. A young British boy is separated from his parents and taken to a Japanese camp. He befriends a smuggler played by John Malkovich, and so much time goes by the boy forgets what his parents look like. He obsesses over the war planes and their pilots. What the child goes threw growing with no parents, no sense of culture of identity is sad, but the final scene is just terrible. This is a brilliant movie, but difficult to watch. 剛好湊巧看書[獵捕獨角獸: 黑色幽默大師馮內果從未公開之最新遺作]Armageddon in Retrospect, and Other New and Unpublished Writings on War and Peace。馮內果(Kurt Vonnegut,1922-2007)非常反對戰爭,他上過戰場一次,不久即被俘虜。戰俘營在德勒斯登(Dresdner),一座美麗的城市,不像柏林這樣大城般改裝成占地堡壘,居民依舊享有醫療、圖書、公園的生活。然,戰爭結尾時竟遭美軍大肆的轟炸,一座城就此夷為平地。 |
( 休閒生活|影視戲劇 ) |