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2012/02/25 17:22:52瀏覽305|回應0|推薦0

I am David (2003)


保羅費格(Paul Feig)
吉姆卡維佐(James Caviezel)
瓊安普洛萊特(Joan Plowright)
班提柏(Ben Tibber)

In 1952, the polyglot twelve year-old David, who was raised in the Communist Belene Prison Camp in Bulgaria, witnesses the death of his friend and protector Johannes and escapes from the concentration camp in the night. He is advised to mistrust everybody and together with a piece of bread, a compass, a piece of soap, a jackknife and a sealed envelope to be delivered in Denmark, he travels though Greece and Italy heading North. Along his journey, David discovers the beauty of the world and slowly he changes his behavior with people. When he meets Sophie, an old lady that lives in Switzerland and likes to paint as hobby, she asks David to paint his face; later she invites David to have lunch with her in her house, and David finally discloses his quest to her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

(2003)根據丹麥暢銷小說「北方自由」("North of Freedom",critics)改編。1952年,在共產世界保加利亞長大的12歲孤兒大衛受人之託,僅帶著一只指南針、一塊麵包和一封信逃出了集中營。他要依照信上的地址,經過希臘、義大利、瑞士到丹麥的哥本哈根,然後把信交給一個人。當大衛穿越歐洲、展開這趟送信之旅時,這是他第一次開始接觸到自由的世界。這趟歐洲之旅為他開啟了心靈的視窗,也給了他嶄新的人生觀…。


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