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2009/09/11 01:32:01瀏覽337|回應0|推薦5

古今多情紅塵葬    一片風裁蕩凌霄

孤村舊曲影剎剎    身無雙翼似煙消

月明邀飲共銜杯    三生三世千回緣

年年風雪柳岸瓢    日落晚風盼深情  

...冬雨 ....

春風不解多情種     冬雨難溶冰凍土

曉樓新月霧茫茫     疊扇題詩遙相送

風華露濃兩不怨     一撇一吶千呼喚

七星拱月指北杓     雲散物移情不滅

~ 二月 ~

Old saying, beauties all died young, 
a wind cut swing to the top of the cloud.

The lonely vallege and old songs  show shadow, 
a body without wings and fly would be like smoke.

Under the bright moon I toast drink to you, lives after lives,
now that I finally meet you.

Snow blew wind against the willowbank piere,
sunset breeze hope your deep feeling.

... Winter rain ....

Spring wind cannot understand my love;
winter rain don't melt frozen soil.

Little House crescenting misty fog,
on the folded paper fan I put down my poem for you.

Nice wind blew perfume scense we both have no-complaint to know each other,
a sigh and an eye already says everything.

Every night I watch 7 stars surround the moon and pointing to the north Big Dipper,
the stars may move and things may change but my love is forever.

~ February ~

( 創作詩詞 )
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