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 文 /新北市立安康高中 朱晉杰(3C老師)





據說,在1875年,作詞作曲者是一位美國人─Henry Clay Work,當他在英國旅行的時候,曾到那間酒店,隔年的1876年,根據他所聽聞的故事「My Grandfather's Clock」而作此曲「My Grandfather's Clock」,於當時美國發行了超過100萬份樂譜。




My Grandfathers Clock Lyrics 
My Grandfathers Clock. BY Johnny Cash

(Spoken) Way down south, down a long dusty road, There's an old ramshakle house
that nobody lives in anymore.
And if you walk down the hall and look, you'll see an old Grandfathers Clock
that don't run anymore. It's silent now, and it's covered up with spider webs.
That was my Grandfathers Clock. And this song is the story of that clock.

(Sung) My Grandfathers Clock, was too large for the shelf, so it stood ninety
years on the floor. It was taller by half, than the old man himself,
Tho' it weighed not a penny-weight more. 

It was bought on the morn Of the day 
that he was born. And was always his treasure and pride,
But it stopped, Short. Never to go again, when the old man, died.
And my Grandfather said, that, of those he could hire, not a
servant so faithful, he found. For it wasted no time, and it had but one desire
At the close of each week, to be wound. And it kept in it's place. 
Not a frown upon it's face. And it's hands never hung by it side,
But it stopped, Short, never to go again. When the old man died.

Ninty years without slumbering. (Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock.)
His life seconds numbering. (Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock.)
It stopped. Short, never to go again, when the old man, died.

Well, it rang an alarm, in the still of the night, An alarm, that
For years had been dumb. And we knew that his Spirit, was pluming for
Flight, That his hour for departure had come. Still the clock
Kept the time, with a soft and muffled chime. As we silently stood
by his side. 
But it stopped short, never to go again. When the old man, died.

Ninty years without slumbering. (Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock.)
His life seconds numbering. (Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock.)
It stopped. Short, never to go again, when the old man, died.

(Spoken) And I've been thinking, that someday, I'm going down
to my Grampa's old house. And I'm gonna get that old clock.
And I'm gonna shine it up. And I'm gonna oil it up good.
And get it fixed up pretty. And it'll keep time for me.
Just like it did for my Grampa.


作詞:Henry Clay Work/日本語:保富康午 作曲:Henry Clay Work

百年 いつも動いていた
おじいさんの 生まれた朝に
いまは もう動かない その時計

百年 休まずに
チクタク チクタク
おじいさんと いっしょに
チクタク チクタク
いまは もう動かない その時計

何でも知ってる 古時計
おじいさんの 時計
うれしいことも 悲しいことも
みな知ってる 時計さ
いまは もう動かない その時計

うれしいことも 悲しいことも
みな知ってる 時計さ
いまは もう動かない その時計

u夜中に ベルがなった
おじいさんの 時計
天へのぼる おじいさん
時計とも お別れ
いまは もう動かない その時計

百年 休まずに
チクタク チクタク
おじいさんと いっしょに
チクタク チクタク
いまは もう動かない その時計
いまは もう動かない その時計



好大好高的舊時鐘 是爺爺的時鐘
百年來一直沒停過 令人驕傲的時鐘
這是爺爺誕生的那天早晨 買來的時鐘
而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了

百年來從未停歇 滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答
一路陪伴著爺爺 滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答
而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了

無所不知的舊時鐘 是爺爺的時鐘
漂亮新娘嫁過來時 那天也滴答地走著
歡喜的事 悲傷的事 什麼都知道的時鐘
而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了

歡喜的事 悲傷的事 什麼都知道的時鐘
而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了

夜深人靜時鐘聲響起 是爺爺的時鐘
讓大家知曉 分開的時刻已經到來
在天堂裡的爺爺 已和時鐘道別離
而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了

百年來從未停歇 滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答
一路陪伴著爺爺 滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答
而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了
而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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2013/08/19 09:45
