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2012/09/15 23:00:19瀏覽185|回應0|推薦0 | |
塔科馬經典田園民宿/ 美天客花蓮旅遊工作室的Chester Hsieh 寫於 2012年9月15日
奇萊鼻燈塔位於花蓮縣七星潭附近,四八高地上,環保公園近在咫尺(左下為環保公園)。此座混凝土建造而成的燈塔高13.4公尺,燈高33.4尺,至今已有八十一年的歷史。很久以前,從東澳鼻至奇萊鼻是一條前山通後山之藍色公路。 Chi-Lai Bi White Lighthouse is located near Chi-Shi Tang( Seven Stars Lake in Chinese), on a military area, around it is the Environmental Protection Park. This lighthouse was made of concret with 13.4 meters height and seventy eight years ago. In former times, it was a blue highway from the Tong Auo to Chi-Lai Bi . |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |