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聯合報╱編譯馮克芸、陳俐君/報導 2012.03.22 08:58 am 三項發表在英國著名醫學期刊上的研究,為阿斯匹靈的抗癌效果提供了最新例證:每天服用低劑量阿斯匹靈,只要三到五年,不只可以防癌,甚至可以治療癌症、降低癌症轉移的可能性。 不過,台大醫院雲林分院心血管中心主任王宗道說,長期吃阿斯匹靈可能有胃潰瘍、腸胃出血等副作用,目前只建議心血管疾病患者使用,不建議健康民眾吃,以免防癌、抗癌或防心血管疾病不成,反倒先傷胃。 英國廣播公司(BBC)報導,許多人已服用阿斯匹靈作為心臟藥,然而英國牛津大學教授魯斯威爾(Peter Rothwell)在最新研究中,已把「降低某些癌症的風險」和「服用阿斯匹靈」連結在一起,特別是腸癌。 魯斯威爾是國際知名的阿斯匹靈專家,他的團隊先前的研究顯示,人們得服用阿斯匹靈大約十年,才能有防癌效果,但現在他們認為,阿斯匹靈的保護作用會在三到五年之內發生。 而且,阿斯匹靈似乎不只降低許多不同種類癌症的發生風險,還可能阻止癌細胞在人體擴散。 魯斯威爾團隊的研究,根據的是五十一項試驗的資料,參與試驗的病患超過七萬七千人,這些試驗是設計用來比較兩種情況的預防心臟疾病效果:一是服用阿斯匹靈,二是不服用任何藥物。 當檢視這些病患中有多少人罹癌且死於癌症時,魯斯團隊發現,這項數據也與是否服用阿斯匹靈有關。 他們的具體發現是:每天服用低劑量阿斯匹靈,即七十五到三百毫克,只要三年,癌症病例就會減少約四分之一,五年內還可降低癌症死亡風險百分之十五。若是劑量提高到每天服用三百毫克以上,不到三年即可降低癌症死亡風險百分之十五。 如果病患服用阿斯匹靈五年以上,則癌症死亡風險減幅更大,達百分之卅七。另外,服用低劑量阿斯匹靈的腸癌病患,五人就有一人可防止癌細胞擴散。 這三項最新研究中,有兩項發表在廿一日出刊的醫學期刊「刺胳針」,另一項發表在「刺胳針腫瘤學」。但有專家警告,目前的證據尚不足以建議服用阿斯匹靈來預防癌症,且阿斯匹靈會造成胃出血之類的危險副作用。 【2012/03/22 聯合報】 A small daily dose of aspirin - 75mg - substantially reduces death rates from a range of common cancers, a study suggests. Research at Oxford University and other centres found that it cut overall cancer deaths by at least a fifth. The study, published in the Lancet, covered some 25,000 patients, mostly from the UK. Experts say the findings show aspirin's benefits often outweighed its associated risk of causing bleeding. Aspirin is already known to cut the risk of heart attack and stroke among those at increased risk. But the protective effects against cardiovascular disease are thought to be small for healthy adults, and aspirin increases the risks of stomach and gut bleeds. However, this latest research shows that when weighing up the risks and benefits of taking aspirin, experts should also consider its protective effect against cancer. Those patients who were given aspirin had a 25% lower risk of death from cancer during the trial period and a 10% reduction in death from any cause compared to patients who were not given the drug. Lasting protection The treatment with aspirin lasted for between four and eight years, but long term-follow-up of around 12,500 patients showed the protective effect continued for 20 years in both men and women. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote We encourage anyone interested in taking aspirin on a regular basis to talk to their GP first” End Quote Ed Young Cancer Research UK Lead researcher Professor Peter Rothwell said the findings might well underestimate the reduction in deaths that would result from longer-term treatment with aspirin. The risk of cancer death was reduced by 20% over 20 years. For individual cancers the reduction was about 40% for bowel cancer, 30% for lung cancer, 10% for prostate cancer and 60% for oesophageal cancer. The reductions in pancreas, stomach and brain cancers were difficult to quantify because of smaller numbers of deaths. There was also not enough data to show an effect on breast or ovarian cancer and the authors suggest this is because there were not enough women in the trials. Large-scale studies investigating the effects on these cancers are under way. Professor Rothwell said he was not urging healthy middle-aged adults to immediately start taking aspirin, but said the evidence on cancer "tips things towards it being well worth it". The benefit in cancer reduction were found from a low daily dose of 75mg. Professor Rothwell said the annual risk of major internal bleeding was about 1 in 1,000 and aspirin roughly doubled that risk. But he said the danger of major bleeding was "very low" in middle age but increased dramatically after 75. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote Aspirin should be thought of in the same context as lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise which can help to preserve health” End Quote Professor Peter Elwood Cardiff University * Aspirin: a personal choice for all A sensible time to consider starting daily aspirin use would be between 45-50, continuing for around 25 years, he said. Cancer Research UK described the results as "promising". But Ed Yong, head of health information and evidence, said: "We encourage anyone interested in taking aspirin on a regular basis to talk to their GP first." Professor Peter Elwood, an epidemiologist from Cardiff University, who carried out some of the first studies into the effects of aspirin on health, said individuals should make up their own minds: "Aspirin should be thought of in the same context as lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise which can help to preserve health." Professor Elwood said taking aspirin at night and with calcium seemed to enhance its effects. He suggested taking it with a glass of milk as this could also reduce stomach irritation. 水楊酸,又名柳酸(源於拉丁文中「楊柳」一詞,因其可從柳樹皮中提取而得名),化學名稱「鄰羥基苯甲酸」,是一種帶狀態結晶或輕質的結晶性粉末,化學式C6H4(OH) (COOH),分子量138.121,比重1.443。水楊酸易溶於乙醇、乙醚、氯仿、苯、丙酮、松節油,不易溶於水,20 °C時溶解度為每100毫升0.2克[1]。遮光,密封保存。存在於自然界的柳樹皮、白珠樹葉及甜樺樹中。水楊酸是一種有機酸,可由水楊苷代謝得到。它被廣泛應用於有機合成中,也是一種植物激素。水楊酸具有與阿司匹林(乙醯水楊酸)相近的結構與藥效,也可用於治療痤瘡。 [编辑] 植物激素 水楊酸是一種酚類激素,可調節植物的生長發育,對植物的光合作用、蒸騰作用與離子的吸收與運輸也有調節作用。水楊酸同時也可以誘導植物細胞的分化與葉綠體的生成。水楊酸還作為內生信號參與植物對病原體的抵禦[2],通過誘導組織產生病程相關蛋白,當植物的一部分受到病原體感染時在其他部分產生抗性。通過形成揮發性的水楊酸甲酯,這一信號還可在不同植物間傳遞。[3] [编辑] 合成 生物體中水楊酸可由苯丙氨酸合成得到。 水楊酸的工業生產是通過柯爾伯-施密特反應用苯酚與二氧化碳在高溫(390K)高壓(100大氣壓)下合成水楊酸的鈉鹽,再通過硫酸酸化得到水楊酸。 Kolbe-Schmitt.png 水楊酸也可通過水解阿司匹林(乙醯水楊酸)或水楊酸甲酯得到。[4] [编辑] 歷史 白柳的樹皮中可提取出水楊酸 公元前五世紀左右,希臘醫生希波克拉底在記錄中提到一種從柳樹樹皮中提取的苦味粉末可以用於止痛和退燒。這一辦法還見於蘇美爾、黎巴嫩和亞述古文獻的記載。切諾基人與其他北美原住民有用樹皮浸出液治療發燒的傳統[5] ,他們使用植物的內側樹皮製成藥物並用於鎮痛。1763年,一名英國牧師愛德華(埃德蒙德)·斯通指出柳樹樹皮可有效退燒。[6] 1828年,法國藥劑師亨利·勒魯克斯與義大利化學家拉斐爾·皮里亞提取出了柳樹皮中的有效成分,並以白柳的拉丁文學名Salix alba將其命名為水楊苷。皮里亞通過分解該物質得到了水楊酸。 1839年,德國研究人員還從綉線菊(旋果蚊草子)中提取了水楊酸。雖然他們的提取物具有相同的療效,也對消化系統有副作用,如導致胃發炎、出血、腹瀉,高劑量攝入時會導致死亡。 [编辑] 藥用價值 水楊酸外用對微生物有抗菌性,其防腐力近於酚,作為防腐劑則限制使用。水楊酸的局部作用為角質溶解,作為角質軟化劑使用,可因製劑濃度不同而藥理作用各異。1%-3%有角化促成和止癢作用;5%-10%具有角質溶解作用,可使角質層中連接鱗細胞間粘合質溶解,從而使角質鬆開而脫屑,亦可產生抗真菌作用(因去除角質層後並抑制真菌生長,水楊酸能幫助其他抗真菌藥物的穿透,並抑制細菌生長)。25%濃度具有腐蝕作用,可脫除肥厚的胼胝。適用於皮脂溢出,脂溢性皮炎,淺部真菌病,疣,雞眼,胼胝及局部角質增生。許多洗髮水中也含有水楊酸,作為去除頭皮屑的有效成分。 水楊酸可引起接觸性皮炎。大面積使用吸收後,可出現水楊酸全身中毒症狀,如頭暈,神志模糊,精神錯亂,呼吸急促,持續性耳鳴,劇烈或持續頭痛,刺痛。 有糖尿病,四肢周圍血管疾病者,或嬰幼兒,使用水楊酸25%-60%乳膏或軟膏,水楊酸15%-50%硬膏,水楊酸17%凝膠,水楊酸13.6%-26%溶液應慎重考慮,有可能引起念珠性炎症或潰瘍,甚至致死;對皮炎或皮膚感染使用水楊酸25%-60%乳膏或軟膏,水楊酸40%-50%硬膏,亦需注意。 次水楊酸鉍是一種常見的胃藥,用於治療腹瀉、噁心、胃灼熱和胃氣脹。也是一種溫和的抗生素。 膽鹼水楊酸局部使用,可以治療口腔潰瘍。 [编辑] 其他用途 * 雖然大劑量的水楊酸對人體有害,水楊酸常用作食品防腐劑和牙膏抗菌劑。對某些對水楊酸過敏的人而言,即使小劑量接觸可能也是有害的。 * 水楊酸鈉是一種常用的真空紫外熒光粉,可發出波長420nm的熒光。[7] * 水楊酸甲酯搽劑可緩解關節和肌肉疼痛。 [编辑] 安全性 水楊酸可以抑制外毛細胞運動蛋白(Prestin)的活性,因而具有耳毒性。[8] 對於缺鋅的患者可能導致暫時性失聰。這一發現基於對白鼠的臨床試驗。給缺鋅大白鼠注射水楊酸會導致失聰,而同時注射鋅溶液可治癒失聰。給缺鋅大白鼠注射鎂溶液沒有治癒水楊酸性失聰。 沒有專門的對水楊酸對妊娠造成的影響的研究。妊娠的前三個月口服水楊酸(或阿司匹林)不會增加胎兒畸形的機率,但在妊娠晚期服用可能導致胎兒顱內出血(Rumack et al., 1981) 。即使在妊娠後期外用水楊酸也不會造成不良影響。許多外用皮膚病藥物含有水楊酸,沒有報告表明外用水楊酸有致畸風險。[9] 過量的水楊酸可導致水楊酸中毒,臨床表現為代謝性酸中毒和呼吸性鹼中毒。急性患者的發病率為16%,死亡率為1%。[10] 有些人對水楊酸及其衍生物過敏。 美國食品和藥品管理局建議在使用含有水楊酸(或任何其他抗氧化劑)的護膚品時配合使用防晒護膚產品。[11] 雖然沒有數據表明使用水楊酸會導致雷爾氏綜合症,美國國家雷爾氏綜合征基金會建議兒童和青少年(年齡 16歲以下)盡量減少服用水楊酸與阿司匹林。[12] |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |