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2014/03/25 06:32:33瀏覽221|回應0|推薦1 | |
專家在這篇「自然氣候變遷」月報(Nature Climate Change)2014-03-23出版的論文上說,如果排除自然移轉,則2003到2011年海面每年應該會上升0.33公分。這項自然移轉是此期間反聖嬰現象(La Nina)盛行,使太平洋表面溫度下降,使陸地降雨增加。
論文主要作者、法國土魯斯(Toulouse)地球物理學和空間海洋學研究實驗室(Laboratory for Studiesin Geophysics and Spatial Oceanography)的卡澤納夫(Anny Cazenave)告訴路透社,把自然變異列入考量後,「海面上升速率沒減緩」。
並未參與這項研究的波茨坦氣候影響研究中心(Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)教授李佛曼(Anders Levermann)說:「降在陸地上的雨水,最終會回到海洋。其中部分成為地下水,但大部分會流入江河或蒸發。」
從1900年以來,海面上升了將近20公分。聯合國氣候專家小組(IPCC)預期上升速率會增加,到21世紀末可能上升26到82公分。 (中央社 – 2014年3月24日)
Ref: Nature Climate Change doi:10.1038/nclimate2159
Present-day sea-level rise is a major indicator of climate change. Since the early 1990s, sea level rose at a mean rate of ~3.1 mm yr−1. However, over the last decade a slowdown of this rate, of about 30%, has been recorded. It coincides with a plateau in Earth’s mean surface temperature evolution, known as the recent pause in warming. Here we present an analysis based on sea-level data from the altimetry record of the past ~20 years that separates interannual natural variability in sea level from the longer-term change probably related to anthropogenic global warming. The most prominent signature in the global mean sea level interannual variability is caused by El Niño–Southern Oscillation, through its impact on the global water cycle. We find that when correcting for interannual variability, the past decade’s slowdown of the global mean sea level disappears, leading to a similar rate of sea-level rise (of 3.3 ± 0.4 mm yr−1) during the first and second decade of the altimetry era. Our results confirm the need for quantifying and further removing from the climate records the short-term natural climate variability if one wants to extract the global warming signal.
( 時事評論|環保生態 ) |