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《電影音樂》白日夢冒險王 - Step Out / Jose Gonzalez
2014/04/05 00:03:01瀏覽1353|回應0|推薦4

Step Out / Jose Gonzalez
Time to step outside, time to step outside
Time to step out, time to step out
Time to step outside, time to step outside
Time to step outside you.

House on fire, leave it all behind you.
Dark as night, let the lightning guide you.

Time to step outside, time to step outside
Time to step outside you.

House on fire, leave it all behind you.

Living life, feeding appetites. 
Stayed through every hard stop, every go.
Being bland
Breathing half the time.

House on fire, leave it all behind you.
Dark as night, let the lightning guide you.

Time to step outside, time to step outside
Time to step out, time to step out

Broke tooth Monday
Something's not the same
Blank head, crossed eyes sweep the floor.
Feel your presence,
in your absence shut the door.

House on fire, leave it all behind you.
Dark as night, let the lightning guide you.




電影《白日夢冒險王 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty》裡一段名句:「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的。」本片是喜劇演員班史提勒第五度自導自演作品,改編自詹姆斯瑟伯的短篇小說,翻拍於1947年丹尼凱主演的版本。冰島景色美得不可思議,激起我們想要去世界冒險!而影帝西恩潘飾演傳奇攝影師,更是為本片加分不少,藝術家氣質極具說服力。再加上片中歌曲適時的錦上添花,推動著主角的行動,幾場關鍵戲頗讓人熱血沸騰,是一部相當勵志以及正面的電影。


《電影音樂》白日夢冒險王 - Space Oddity / 大衛鮑伊 Feat. 克莉絲汀薇格


《電影音樂》野獸冒險樂園 - Wake Up / 拱廊之火 The Arcade Fire


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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