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2014/03/26 21:33:37瀏覽513|回應0|推薦2 | |
(32) 法國,巴黎,澳洲女孩Elizabeth。 風格有點不同但是也都是又高又美的美人阿~~ 我們第二天的晚餐好像是一起吃的,她帶我到拉丁區買小吃 拉丁區是一個很熱鬧,很有大學生氣息的一個地方,我們剛到的時候(應該是搭地鐵吧我忘了) 居然在路上看到彈直式鋼琴的街頭藝人! 他到底是怎樣把琴弄到那邊的!變魔術嗎? (Elizabeth也被搭訕XDD) 我好像買了類似希臘捲餅的東西,就走去聖母院那邊坐著吃晚餐J 她好像是之後會去瑞典交換,先來巴黎一下。 記得Elizabeth跟我說她爸爸媽媽是很認真的人,她沒看過比他們更認真工作的人,她說她爸媽過著很平淡的日子,把錢都投資在自己的兒女…要不他們也是可以買豪宅、開遊艇之類的~ 她就說不懂為什麼會有人那麼愛精品,她在雪梨的LV看過中國家庭在那邊花了一萬澳幣就買幾個LV (可是我的反應是,中國人會在匯率那麼不划算的地方買LV,就表示他一點也不在乎那些錢 澳洲精品世界貴的阿!!而且一萬澳幣大概台幣三十萬,四五個包大概就這個價了 我不知道她後來看到我在房間幫媽媽買的LV作何感想…XD) 我記得一出旅舍,看著她的背影,就想說:這人在路上,又戴個墨鏡、擦個紅色口紅 壞人根本無從判定她是否為本地人 亞洲人(尤其是女生)的風險真的比其他人高太多了阿!! 加上她又會講法語,壞人就可能會想說這人可能是在這邊求學、還是商務人士等 要找目標還是回到亞洲人身上阿!! 好羨慕這些女孩能自由自在的說我好喜歡巴黎!!一直來XD 巴黎在亞洲人的心中就是歐洲最危險三大城市之一阿!!! ps三大是:羅馬、巴黎、巴塞隆納。 (32)France, Paris, Australian girl, Elizabeth. Her style is different from Aurora but they are both beautiful! I think we had dinner together on my second day. She show me the Latin Quarter and we bought some snacks. Latin Quarter is a place famous for its university life and lively atmosphere. We saw this guy playing the piano on the street. How did he managed to bring that thing out there? I bought some Greek wrap and we ate our dinner near Notre Dame de Paris. Elizabeth was going to Sweden as an exchange and she stopped over in Paris. I remember she said that her parents are really hard working person, the most indigenous person she has ever known, and they worked so hard for their children’s education. Or else they could afford luxuries or something like a yacht. When I watched Elizabeth from the back, I was thinking that, it is hard to tell whether she’s local or not.With red lips and sunglasses. Asian (especially girls) do suffer higher risks than people from other ethnicities! Plus she speaks French. Some bad people might presume her as an international student or business traveler, so they would still target Asians! Really envy these girls that they can express their love for Pairs and visit often. In Asians’ perspective, Paris is one of the three most dangerous cities in Europe… (The other two are Rome and Barcelona) 看完文章也請不吝幫忙賜票囉~ 搜尋jes 或按人氣排行 jessica kuan yin chen http://event.eternal9.com.tw/Kate/item.html
謝謝!! |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |