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2014/03/25 21:51:40瀏覽376|回應0|推薦4 | |
(31)法國,巴黎,澳洲女孩Aurora。 整趟旅程之中我都沒碰到澳洲或加拿大的人,真是讓我超疑惑XD 但是在巴黎就遇到兩個澳洲人室友(我住的是十人房女生寢) 第一天回來就跟Aurora聊天發現她是澳洲人聽到澳洲口音大開心XD 到了五點多的時候她說不然我們一起出去吃個晚餐吧~我說好阿~難得有人約一起吃飯XD Aurora跟我分享她在巴黎遇到的豔遇XD PS人家就是比我小但是看起來就是青春年華的金髮美女阿!! 一天就遇到三次要電話!第一次是她在市區的假沙灘 (發現歐洲人在離沙灘比較遠的市區都喜歡弄假沙灘自以為在海邊,比利時也有,但下雨的話就會濕成一團很噁XD) 然後有一個黑人女同志跟她要電話她就傻傻的給了XD 但是後來是沒接到電話啦。 然後她在沙灘上看到一個帥哥,就在她要離開沙灘之際,帥哥就跑去追她XD 本人:根本在演電影。 帥哥是個美國律師之類的XDD 其他人:我們怎麼就遇不到!? 晚上我們在外面走了一整圈沒看到什麼要吃的,就吃旅舍旁邊的義大利飯館。 我有點忘記我點什麼了但是我們點了一盤綠色的蝸牛。 美女走進餐廳就遇到服務生大獻慇勤XDDDD 而且,她還會一點法語,外國人說的一點其實就是很好,千萬不要相信她們只會一點XDDDDD 廚師還過來示範如何吃蝸牛結果自己也弄不出來= = 最後美女還收到了一朵玫瑰花然後服務生還約她出去!! 也太扯了XDDDD過兩天我們一起去逛羅浮宮<3 span="">,這張是在羅浮宮拍的~
(31)France, Paris, Australian girl, Aurora. I kept thinking why there’s no Australian or Canadian in my whole trip and I met two in Pairs (stayed in a 10-girl room). Met Aurora on my first day back and I was so happy to know that she’s from Australia (Hooray Australian accent) She asked me to dinner and I was very glad that someone asked me to dinner. She shared her romantic encounter to me. She is younger than me but has a gorgeous blond hair and she’s so pretty. She was asked for phone number three times a day! The first one is at the fake beach. A black lesbian asked her number and she just gave it to her :p when she was about to leave, a handsome guy she met on the beach ran towards her “it was like a movie!.” We walked around but couldn’t decide where to eat so we went to the Italian bistro near our hostel. I don’t remember what I ordered but I had some green snails. The waiter was so “attracted” by the beauty. Aurora said she knows a little French. When they said a little, it actually means good. The chef also came to show us how to get the snail out but he failed. In the end the gorgeous got a rose and the waiter asked her out XDDDDD We went to the Louvre two days later. The photo was taken at the Louvre. 謝謝!! |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |