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重建人类社会 the colony
2011/02/20 10:17:34瀏覽788|回應0|推薦0


人類瀕臨全球浩劫,人類沖突、核彈、自然災害、生化戰,無預警下,人類世界…可能毀滅。十二天前,這些自願者開始爲期十周的實驗,看能否在一場模擬的全球災難後存活並重建人類社會, 他們的環境模仿幸存者可能會遭遇的情況,若病毒肆虐,讓洛杉矶及世界各地都成爲一片荒蕪。自願者的背景和專長代表典型的現代社會,他們的新家是一個被隔離占地八萬平方尺的倉庫。靠近洛杉矶市區,他們只拿到有限的工具補給品和食物,沒有電力,自來水,也無法跟外界聯絡,實驗包括外界一幫搶匪和暴徒。試圖威脅重建者的資源和安全。到目前爲止,志願者已經將倉庫變成了家同心協力保衛糧食和水之後,他們也成了一家人。

The colony is a reality TV show series. The colony season 1 was broadcasted on 21st July, 2009. It is a venture of Discovery channel. In the colony season 2, a group of 10 highly skilled volunteers will be isolated in urban environment of downtown Los Angeles for two months.

watch the colony season 2 episode online

The colony volunteers has to live in such environment where there is no electricity, no water and no communication with outside work. They have to survive with their skills and whatever tools they scavenge from their surroundings.

As usual we provide streaming links to “The colony season 2” online shows. If you have missed any episode or if you are away from the TV then you can watch the colony season 2 episodes online from our online TV section. Do check it out as there are many free tv serials online episodes available in this section. The colony season 2 will be aired on 27th July, 2010 (first episode is already over)

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