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2017/06/15 14:01:46瀏覽2025|回應2|推薦103 | |
原定6月中去武界 (南投縣,仁愛鄉),想看看世上少見的露天鐘乳石。鐘乳石絕大部分在地下岩洞,經千萬年滴水形成。成。
不料梅姨(梅雨)發威,大豪雨猛烈下不斷,全台多處淹水,坍方,路斷。 還是改期吧,沒有必要冒險,出事了還要浪費『救難』資源。 拜網路之賜,秀才(阿宅)不出門, 能知天下事。 天下 真有許多奇人,美景,異事.......... 金氏紀錄世界最年長的gymnast(體操員),92歲德國籍的Johanna Quaas參加 在新加坡第八屆國際高齡週。 發佈日期:2017年4月28日 92-year-old Johanna Quaas from Germany is seen here doing a routine on the parallel bars. The world’s oldest gymnast, as certified by the Guinness World Records, was in Singapore as part of the events celebrating International Ageing Week. Read more: http://bit.ly/JohannaQuaas 可惜,不,應該說幸虧她有那麼多皺紋,否則真以為一定有假,作弊!
2015 / 11 / 22 90歲
2016年12月29日 91歲
Johanna Quaas is the world's oldest active gymnast representing Germany at age 91! She has so much grace and fluidity, it's really amazing to watch! |
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