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Angelika Trabert 訪台
2013/09/07 20:20:23瀏覽589|回應0|推薦0

 It´s ability not disability that counts!

Angelika Trabert (11/4/2010,台灣馬術治療中心)

  去年底11月1日拜訪台灣馬術治療中心時,Uta拿了2008香港帕拉馬術的介紹借我翻閱,當時就對德國隊代表選手Angelika Trabert充滿佩服之意;昨晚(11/4/2010) ,距離我第一次看到Angelika Trabert的照片已過一年,終於親眼見到她。因為行程安排上的誤判,晚間9點左右方趕到選手之夜會場,所以必須在極短的時間內,抓緊機會與她談話(要趕回台中的最後一班國光號)。整個過程中我的心跳好快,緊張、感動又興奮,不敢相信自己這麼幸運,能夠親自問候Angelika,婉轉地表達對她的敬意。

  感謝黃琮祥醫師載我過去馬術治療中心,還要邊開車邊應付我一直丟出去的問題;感謝黃仰鐘先生行前「Angelika 真的很nice,值得你為她失眠」的鼓勵,否則我可能會因為生病(行前急性腸胃炎,上吐下瀉)及緊張而找理由退縮;感謝Uta、兆遠和中心的人辛苦安排這場盛會,讓許多人得以分享Angelika 不平凡的人生;感謝張渝湞的母親送我去車站,趕搭最後一班回台中的國光號。

  Angelika 的高度在於她的謙虛,以及對馬匹、馬術的態度。培養正確的騎座需要時間及耐心,請教她如何獲得紮實的騎座,Angelika 的答案是本土騎馬人士都知道,但是很難做到的「用背騎馬」。取得A級調教資格的Angelika和許多優秀的馬術調教師一樣,擁有馬術以外的身分,離開馬背後的Angelika 是位麻醉醫師,這分工作的薪俸,讓她有足夠的經濟能力浸淫於馬術世界。熱愛生命、積極樂觀的Angelika,用實際行動貫徹“It´s ability not disability that counts!”的精神。

  處於亂迷狀態(anomie)下的台灣社會,充滿疏離與緊張,更需要類似Angelika 的人帶來正面的力量,鼓勵沉淪低落的人心向上。以下文章及照片,Angelika Trabert的部分,經過她本人口頭授權(11/4/2010),節錄自Angelika Trabert 個人網站,感謝她的許可,讓我使用文章及照片。張渝湞的部分,文章及照片是得到她本人、母親及張兆遠教練的許可之後,方轉貼於敝站。

熱愛生命,樂觀積極的Angelika Trabert(2010肯德基世界錦標賽)

My name is Angelika Trabert (but most people call me Geli). I was born in 1967 in Germany without legs and with only 3 fingers on my right hand. When I was six years old I sat on a pony for the first time. And so began my love affair with horses. Prompted by my interest, my parents searched for ways to enable me to ride – not easy to find then. So I started with Hippotherapy (physiotherapy on a horse) and came into contact with the "Deutschen Kuratorium fur therapeutisches Reiten" (Riding for the Disabled in Germany). After this I had horseback riding lessons on different horses with different instructors.


In 1985, on my first visit to the USA, I stayed with the Price family for 5 weeks. With their daughter, Michelle who had lost her leg due to bone cancer at the age of eight, I rode for the first time without my artificial legs. Michelle offered me a ride on her sensitive horse "Prince", but asked me to do that without my artificial legs (like she did), because she was not too sure how he would react to bouncing legs on his belly. That was a new experience - for the first time it was possible to ride without pain and to learn about sitting on a horse correctly. Back home, I continued to ride in a Western saddle. It gave me more support and enabled me to stay on the horse without my artificial legs.


In 1989 I was given my first special dressage saddle with the help of Mr. v. Dietze (who developed most of the compensating aids in Germany). Then I started to ride dressage for real! I managed to become a trainer C (for able-bodied people in 1990), continued with the studies and became a trainer for disabled people also. I bought my first horse in 1992 - Ghazim, a Trakehner gelding (now retired). Together we lived through many ups and downs.


Angelika Trabert 自傳全文:


Angelika Trabert (Face Book)


Lis Hartel


( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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