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2024/10/27 15:45:22瀏覽160|回應0|推薦4 | |
. How Would a New BRICS Currency Affect the US Dollar?.BRIC by BRIC, de-dollarization only a matter of time The BRICS nations, originally composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are looking to establish a new reserve currency backed by a basket of their respective currencies. All eyes were recently on the 2024 BRICS Summit that took place October 22 to 24 in Kazan, Russia. The BRICS nations were widely expected to continue their discussions of creating a potentially gold-backed currency, known as the "Unit," as an alternative to the US dollar. The potential BRICS currency would allow these nations to assert their economic independence while competing with the existing international financial system. The current system is dominated by the US dollar, which accounts for about 90 percent of all currency trading. Until recently, nearly 100 percent of oil trading was conducted in US dollars; however, in 2023, one-fifth of oil trades were reportedly made using non-US dollar currencies. Central to this ongoing situation is the US trade war with China, as well as US sanctions on China and Russia. Should the BRICS nations establish a new reserve currency, it would likely significantly impact the US dollar, potentially leading to a decline in demand, or whats known as de-dollarization. In turn, this would have implications for the United States and global economies. . Why do the BRICS nations want to create a new currency?The BRICS nations have a slew of reasons for wanting to set up a new currency. Recent global financial challenges and aggressive US foreign policies have prompted the BRICS countries to explore the possibility. They want to better serve their own economic interests while reducing global dependence on the US dollar and the euro.. A new BRICS currency would also:
2024於俄羅斯喀山舉行的金磚峰會上,揭曉了一張象徵性的鈔票,展現巴西、俄羅斯、印度、中國大陸和南非集團去美元下的國際貿易和交易貨幣,準備建立獨立經濟體系的一部分,引發了改變全球金融體系的討論。不同面額的鈔票上有多種代表性建築、文化符號以及動物元素,分別代表著創始5國。 .. 面額為100元的鈔票上面印有金磚五國創始成員的國旗及最具代表性的象徵圖案,展現多極化世界願景,背面則印有新成員國的國旗和名稱,包括埃及、衣索比亞、伊朗和阿聯,以及其他潛在的合作夥伴。所有圖案均為手工繪製。 200元面額的正面元素,同樣具備金磚創始5國的國旗,但與100元面額最顯著不同的地方在於代表物改為5種動物,美洲豹對應巴西、西伯利亞棕熊對應俄羅斯、牛代表印度、老虎代表中國而跳羚則是代表南非 .... . 美國自掘墳墓,埋葬美元,自找死路, 上列圖案澈底的揭穿美國以美元搞亂國際金融秩序,也就是說間接的搞垮美國自己的經濟與金融,如今美國負債高達35兆美元之譜,卻扔然瘋狂的大肆印刷美元,並強迫弱小民族及國家購買美國的國家債券,由此看來美國的美元已經毫無價值與信用可言,2024.金磚國家組織高峰會議,通過發行金磚國家組織鈔票使用,對抗美元是整救世界金融的新秩序是正確的政策.. . How would a BRICS currency impact the economy?A potential shift toward a new BRICS currency could have significant implications for the North American economy and investors operating within it. Some of the most affected sectors and industries include:
金磚共同貨幣可成為美元的競爭對手.?.「金磚幣」面世了? 擺脫美元掌控 :金磚國家應齊心建立金融新秩序.金磚國家成員間的貿易跨境支付儘管面臨挑戰,但現有基礎設施已足以應對當前需求,並強調集團將繼續推動本幣結算機制,以減少對外部金融風險的依賴。峰會宣言中亦提到,金磚國家將鼓勵在金融交易中使用本幣,並藉助各國銀行網絡擴展本幣結算,進一步推動「去美元化」進程。 國際貨幣基金(IMF)總裁格奧爾基耶娃則表示,對於金磚國家推動替代支付系統的計劃,需要更多細節才能充分評估其對全球金融體系的潛在影響。金磚峰會吸引了來自全球 33 個國家的參與,顯示出該集團日益增長的影響力。外媒分析指出,金磚國家在此次峰會中展現出對不受西方主導的新秩序的強烈追求,試圖通過加強集團內部金融合作來擺脫美元結算體系。 金磚國家支持建立共同跨境支付系統:《喀山宣言》的峰會聯合公報中,俄羅斯總統普丁表示,金磚國家在全球經濟中的主導作用將會持續加強,抨擊了西方國家對俄羅斯、伊朗等金磚國家的單邊制裁,呼籲消除西方制裁的影響。他同時提議開設金磚國家糧食交易所和金磚國家投資平台,而其他領導人皆同意建設由俄羅斯主導的共同跨境支付系統,這將有助於金磚國家繞過以美元為主導的全球金融體系進行國際貿易。 .
. Kazakhstan sees mechanism of strengthening global stability in BRICS —BRICS BANKNOTE: ‘ALL BIG DEALS BEGAN WITH SYMBOLS’ Russian President Vladimir Putin was presented with a symbolic BRICS banknote at the group’s recent summit in Russia’s Kazan. Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, called the note quasi-money because he stressed it epitomizes BRICS member states’ mutual cooperation. Heres what we know about this unique banknote. A total of 1,000 such notes – with a nominal value of 100 BRICS – were printed in the town of Kirzhach in Russia’s Vladimir Region. The bill was made in the run-up to the 2023 BRICS Summit in South Africa.
The front side of the banknote features the national flags and the most recognizable symbols of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, while its back displays the flags and names of new members, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the UAE, as well as the group’s potential partners. All the drawings are handmade.
The printing was initiated by Yevgeny Fyodorov, the founder and owner of the Kirzhach Typography JSC. The bill was a gift to the BRICS meeting as a sign of “heartfelt support” for the course of global cooperation and multipolarity, as advocated by BRICS members. Arrangement of the flags in a circle on the front side of the banknote symbolizes the idea of equality among BRICS member states, Fyodorov said, dubbing the note a working sketch, and a symbol of an emerging multipolar world. “It’s common knowledge that many big deals began with symbols and little things,” he noted. Fyodorov emphasized that like typical Russian banknotes, the BRICS bill is reliably protected from counterfeit. .
Yury Yermakov, the author of the note’s outline, took part in designing more than 10 currencies for various countries. In the 1980s, the artist worked on a portrait of ex-President of Iraq Saddam Hussein for the Iraqi dinars. He also created a portrait of Vietnam’s former head of state Ho Chi Minh for the Vietnamese dongs. President Putin previously pointed out that the issue of creating a single BRICS currency is not on the table, stressing the importance of treading carefully on the matter..
BRICS member states now discuss partner status of 13 countries... |
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