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2024.NATO.「寒風 24」秋季軍事演習針對 俄羅斯.2024.NATO. "Wind 24" autumn military exercises target Russia
2024/11/20 14:04:18瀏覽169|回應0|推薦3



Steadfast Defender 24

Steadfast Defender 24 is NATOs largest military exercise since the Cold War. It demonstrates the unbreakable bond between NATO Allies in Europe and North America, who have kept over one billion people safe for 75 year.





Finland, Norway, and Sweden Commence Large-Scale Military Exercises in Northern NATO..



Steadfast Defender 2024 will be a clear demonstration of our unity, strength and determination to protect each other, our values and the rules-based international order.


Exercise timeline:Exercise Steadfast Defender 24 is split into two overlapping parts. Each phase of the exercise includes a range of associated exercises hosted by different countries.

Part 1 focuses on transatlantic reinforcement – the strategic deployment of North American forces across the Atlantic to continental Europe. This phase includes maritime live exercises and amphibious assault training in the North Atlantic and Arctic seas.

Part 2 focuses on multi-domain exercises across Europe – demonstrating NATO, national and multinational military capabilities. This phase will also test the rapid deployment of troops and equipment across borders within the Alliance.

20241118,北約在芬蘭南部及波羅的海北部啟動了「寒風 24」秋季軍事演習,共有約 30 艘戰艦、補給艦及運輸艇參與。芬蘭於去年 4 月正式加入北約後,「寒風」演習已成為北約波羅的海活動的重要組成部分。演習還包括首次在芬蘭境內舉行的大規模砲兵操演,來自多國的 3,600 名士兵參加



.SPY-1B(V)雷達系統 - 俄羅斯衛星通訊社, 1920, 11.11.2024


..U.S. Marines in Sweden. Exercise Northern Wind is designed to enhance Marines proficiency in the use of cold-weather gear and improve their basic cold-weather warfare skills.


US Marines, Northern Wind. Joint military exercises in Sweden, NATO

北約演習 - 俄羅斯衛星通訊社, 1920, 11.11.2024

( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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