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2024/11/21 18:55:10瀏覽162|回應0|推薦3 | |
. UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer irritated Chinese officials by raising human rights and the issue of Taiwan with President Xi Jinping at their first bilateral meeting. . 英國首相(Sir Keir Starmer)在二十國集團(G20)峰會期間會見了中國國家主席習近平,並強調建立「強有力的英中關係」對兩國的重要性。 此次會晤是自2018年以來,兩國關係有所惡化後,英國首相首次與中國國家主席面對面會談。他還表示希望加強雙方在全球穩定,氣候變化及經濟增長等「共同合作領域」的商業合作。 習近平表示,中英兩國應致力於相互尊重和開放合作。他說:「中英雙方在貿易、投資,清潔能源,金融服務,醫療保健和提升民生等各領域都有廣闊的合作空間。」 閉門會議的簡報中提到,施紀賢闡述了兩國領導人在促進全球穩定,經濟合作,貿易,以及努力從化石燃料轉向可再生能源中的共同責任。. 眾所周知英國自從歸還香港租借100年以後, 經濟財政逐漸走下坡路,原因是每年減少約120億美元的關稅收入,其次英國退出歐盟繳罰款300億歐元分手費用,從此以後英國失去許多與歐盟貿易順差急就業機會 許多歐洲跨國企業 撤出英國回歸本國更加深英國的經濟疲軟以及失業率的增加,尤其甚者就是英國人的政黨惡鬥,變本加厲的進行各式各樣的明爭暗鬥,首相接二連三的換人做座看就好,完全不顧及國家民族的利益發展,而淪落為政黨財團私人的利益鬥爭,昔日的大英帝國號日不落帝國,如今確變成世界性的3/4.流國家,失去各種國際場合的話語權,成為美國的小弟跟班,喲喝敲邊鼓,混些蠅頭小利的渡日,俄烏戰爭遊戲又介入大量軍援烏克蘭,損失慘重,再加上2020-2022.年度的話COVID-19.疫病,影響到整體英國經濟的成長,造成嚴重的失業率,社會犯罪案件,使得許多的英國中小型企業倒閉關門,甚至於有些郡州政府機關宣佈破案,因為發不出公務員的薪資,其實最嚴重的是英國為要經濟復甦,大肆增加供共建設及基礎建設,因而動工興建第二高速鐵路,發行國家債券募集資金,更向中國融資巨額資金,以供給工程資金運轉,其次英國興建新的核能發電廠,開國際標競標,最後由中國與法國合作案取得優勢而得標興建,最重要的是由中國提供巨額融資以利工程建設, 如此一來英國人的陰謀詭計得逞,但是政黨人士與利益團體的惡鬥,競相爭逐工程合約分食,第二高速鐵路與辛克力角核能發電廠的工程,導致於弊端叢生,貪污腐敗案件有增無減,由於英國政黨不穩,接二連三的更換首相執政,對於當時的第二高速鐵路與辛克力角核能發電廠的工程合約金額,頗有微詞,因而故意牽拖歸還中國融資因支付的本金與利息,如此惡性循環最終導致於中國停止所有的融資合作業務,當時傳出英國本身計劃不歸還由中國提供的資金與利息,而放話說出由竣工後的第二高速鐵路與辛克力角核能發電廠的工程盈餘再歸還,說穿喇就是英國賴帳存心不還錢.
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.HS2 英國第二高速鐵路工程已經有部份停止施工興建真正的原因就是沒有取得中國的巨額融資? 2020年2月11日時任首相強森通過建設計劃成本達到£1,070億英鎊($1,384億美元)。 2023年10月4日英國首相里希·蘇納克正式宣布取消,從伯明罕連接曼徹斯特的HS2高速鐵路連接計劃,並稱為會把節省下來的資源投資其他交通項目,(其實就是中國停止融資) . . 2024.英國由工黨執政派出首相(Sir Keir Starmer)出席2024巴西 G-20.高峰會企圖再向中國開口借巨額資金以利第二高速鐵路與辛克力角核能發電廠的工程繼續執行,否則英國損失慘重無法彌補經濟上的損失,傳聞英國外交部及經濟財政等相關部門,向中國提呈申請再度鉅額融資的計劃書,已經遭到拒絕,其次傳聞邀請中國國家主席習近平,再度訪問英國以示友好,皆遭受到拒絕再議,因為英國居心叵測,設下"鴻門宴",威脅中國,再度融資英國的陰謀詭計,早已經被中國看穿喇. . 英國西南部辛克力角(Hinkley Point),由法國電力集團(EDF)負責籌建的新蓋核電廠33.5%的股權,分別由中國廣核集團和中國核工業集團公司擁有。「中國廣核集團」(CGN)將出資60億英鎊中國已經停止投資.. Hinkley Point C nuclear power station delayed again and at further £3bn costEDF Energy, which had already hinted at a fresh delay, does not rule out further disruption to construction schedules. Completion of the Hinkley Point C power station, the UKs first new nuclear plant in decades, has been delayed again by around another year, meaning it will now be a decade behind its original schedule. EDF Energy, the company behind the project, said it was pushing back the date for generation to start to June 2027. . UKs Starmer calls for consistent, durable ties with China in Xi meeting. - British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called on Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday to establish "consistent, durable" relations between their two nations, pressing on with efforts to thaw ties between London and Beijing at a G20 summit.
The meeting in Brazil was the first between the countries two leaders since 2018, and Starmer struck an upbeat tone, saying he would like to engage with Beijing on areas such as trade, the economy and climate, and have broader engagement on science, technology, health and education.
. . China and Britain enjoy vast space for cooperation, Xi tells Starmer.Chinese President Xi Jinping told British Prime Minister Keir Starmer Monday that the two countries enjoy a vast space for cooperation, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Xi and Starmer met in Rio de Janeiro on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit, according to Xinhua.
The meeting is the first to take place between a British prime minister and Xi since 2018.
While in Rio de Janeiro, Xi is expected to meet with several world leaders at a time when conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, as well as incoming Trump-led United States, have made efforts to build consensus within the G20 more difficult than before.
The British leader also said he would start plans to have a "full bilateral" with Xi in either Beijing or London and hoped his finance minister Rachel Reeves would meet Vice Premier He Lifeng to discuss economic and financial cooperation next year.
"We want our relations to be consistent, durable, respectful as we have agreed, avoid surprises where possible, and strengthened dialogue should provide stronger understanding," Starmer told Xi at the start of their meeting.
( 時事評論|國際 ) |