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美國空軍出動 B-2 幽靈隱形轟炸機 轟炸也們湖賽武裝地下彈藥庫為什麼?
2024/10/21 12:10:19瀏覽53|回應0|推薦4

 .Strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen show war in Gaza has already spread.

B-2 Spirit

U.S. B-2 "Phantom" raids Yemen for the first time, destroys Houthi 5 underground arsenal

U.S. military uses B-2 bombers to strike Houthi targets in Yemen.

The Pentagon said the U.S. launched airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen with B-2 stealth bombers. The strikes targeted five underground weapons facilities. NBC News Meagan Fitzgerald reports on the first time that the U.S. military used B-2 stealth bombers against the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen.

.United States Air Force (USAF) B-2 Spirit bombers carried out precision strikes against five reinforced underground ammunition storage facilities in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced on October 16th the military operation against the underground facilities where the Houthis were believed to be storing various components of weapons used to attack civilian and military vessels throughout the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region, through which approximately 12% of international maritime trade passes.US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced on October 16th the military operation against the underground facilities where the Houthis were believed to be storing various components of weapons used to attack civilian and military vessels throughout the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region, through which approximately 12% of international maritime trade passes.

The attacks carried out by Houthi rebels against maritime trade have led to a drastic reduction in traffic through the Suez Canal, exceeding 60%. In response to this threat, numerous vessels are forced to take a much longer and more expensive alternative route around the Cape of Good Hope. This diversion adds nearly 3,500 nautical miles and an additional 10 to 12 days to each journey, significantly impacting global logistics by increasing operational costs and maritime insurance...

美國空軍出動 B-2 幽靈隱形轟炸機 轟炸也們湖賽武裝地下彈藥庫為什麼? 








.也門胡賽武裝組織近年來日益壯大,不再是普通的遊擊隊,他們經由組織訓練,使用先進迪現代化武器,從火箭彈,無線電操縱無人機,無人艇,攻擊美國海軍的艦,甚至於使用導向飛彈攻擊美國航空母艦成功, 最近又是使用高超音速導向飛彈攻擊以色列成功, 令美國軍方震驚,認為胡賽武裝組織背後有謀大國協助發展訓練,甚至於提供先進敵武器, 控制住紅海波斯灣及印度洋等戰略海域,令國際航運公司的貨輪繞道而行,增加運輸成本及時間,其中由其甚者就是壓制住美國海軍的艦隊,無法安全的通過紅海波斯灣,進行支援以色列,甚至於攻擊伊朗,也門佔據阿拉伯半島最南端的戰略要,地控亞丁灣及紅海的咽喉,使得美國海軍的艦隊及國際間航運公司的貨輪,都要避開繞道而行否則被攻擊 或是要繳納過路費扣押船隻.


.World reacts to US, UK attacks on Houthi targets in Yemen.






Huthi rebels claim attack on US vessel off Yemen.

美國號稱世界級最強勢的軍事力量為什麼打不過胡賽武裝組織的戰略及戰術這樣一來自從第二次世界大戰以來美國遇到強勁的遊擊武裝組織從來不搞大行正規化的戰爭使得美軍無法發花揮強勢的軍力進行正式的作戰 但是美軍及以色列都有遭受到胡賽武裝部隊成功的打擊損失日益嚴重.

因此美軍竟然動用 B-2 幽靈隱形轟炸機,轟炸也們湖賽武裝地下彈藥庫, 為什麼不大舉出動作B-52.戰略轟炸機,對於也門進行地毯式的大規模轟炸,然後登陸也門進行地面作戰? 

美國投鼠忌器,頭石問路使用,B-2 幽靈隱形轟炸機 轟炸 ,傳聞胡賽武裝組織得到某大國先進的雷達探測器等設備配合軍事衛星,可以測出美國空軍,F-22-F-35.以及 F-16.F-18. B-52.等戰鬥機 ,再使用導彈擊落,又加上胡賽武裝組織得到某大國超高音速導向飛彈,如虎添翼 ,得美國冒險出動B-2 幽靈隱形轟炸機, 轟炸也們湖賽武裝地下彈藥庫成功.如此一來美國的戰略失敗但是戰術成功 摧毀胡賽武裝的地下軍火庫.

.US B-2 bombers hit the fortified bunkers of the Houthis in Yemen - YouTubeYemen country profile - BBC News

.U.S. B-2 Bombers Strike Iran-Backed Houthi Weapons Caches in Yemen - The  New York Times

B-2轟炸機是美軍最先進的戰略轟炸機。 美國空軍稱,它的隱身特性使其能夠穿透重兵把守的地區,在高空飛行時被雷達探測到的幾率非常小。 這使B-2轟炸機的傳感器能夠獲得低空飛行飛機無法獲得的戰場視野。.


美國國防部長奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)證實美軍的行動,並在官方聲明中表示:「這是一次獨特的展示,表明美國有能力瞄準我們的對手試圖阻止的設施,無論這些設施埋在地下多麼深,加固或加固程度如何」、「美國空軍B-2遠程隱形轟炸機的使用展示了美國在必要時、隨時隨地對這些目標採取行動的全球打擊能力」。

.B-2 Spirit Bomber







( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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